Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Lo Carb Diets Can Assist You Rapid Weight Loss

Lo carb diets are the newest dieting trend, and seem to be effective. Here are some tips for following a balanced lo carb diet:

Eat more fruit and vegetables, aiming for at least five portions a day. Include fruit at breakfast and salad at lunch. Reduce the amount of salt by eating less processed food, such as ready meals, and adding a smaller amount of salt to food. Eat a varied diet. Change your shopping list every week to help keep you out of unhealthy food ruts and make eating more enjoyable. Eat regular meals - although it doesn't matter when you eat your food, a consistent schedule helps most people to control their diet and their weight. Control your portion sizes so that over time, if not necessarily every day, the amount of energy you consume matches your level of activity. Try to be more physically active. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week. Activity helps to regulate your appetite, and means that you can eat more without gaining weight. Drink alcohol only within sensible limits: not more than 14 units per week for women, and no more than three in any one day, and not more than 21 units per week for men, and no more than four in any one day.

The current most popular fad diet is the Lo Carb or Atkins diet. It restricts carbohydrate rich foods, thereby restricting total daily calories. Phase One of the four in the Atkins Diet consists of between 1400 to 1500 total daily calories. The average adult female consumes around 2200 calories daily and the average adult male consumes around 2800 calories daily. Almost any adult will lose weight if they consume 800 to 1300 fewer calories daily. Phase One of the Atkins Diet also restricts carbohydrate intake to only 20 grams of net carbohydrates daily. The definition of net carbohydrates is total grams of carbohydrates per serving minus dietary fibre per serving. Dietary fibre is the non-digestible remains of plant products found in beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred fuel source. In the near future there will be a recommended dietary allowance, or R.D.A., for carbohydrates of 130 grams daily. 130 grams of carbohydrates our body needs daily is for the proper functioning of the central nervous system and production of red blood cells. Only during Phase Four of the Atkins Diet are participants allowed up to 120 grams of net carbohydrate daily. Low carbohydrate diets are nothing new, they have been around since the 1860’s and the Atkins Diet first came out in the early 1970’s.

Most nutrition experts agree that to be successful in weight loss a person needs to keep the weight off for 5 years. Over 90% of people who take weight off through a fad diet like the Atkins Diet gain the weight back in less than one year. Participants on the Atkins Diet lose between 10 to 12 pounds in the first several weeks but this is only water loss, not fat. One pound of fat contains 3500 calories. Therefore to lose 10 pounds of fat in several weeks you would need to consume 35,000 fewer calories or burn 35,000 calories more through exercise. Neither is likely to happen.

So, the best way to lose weight and become more healthy is to eat a balanced diet. Don’t cut out all your carbs, but don’t go overboard with them either. In addition to eating well, exercise in a proportional amount to what you are eating. Exercising too much is as bad as exercising too little.

About the Author:
Synergize Marketing
Carbohydrate Net is your carb dessert dietpoundsaway.com low recipe headquarters. Find out why it is so detrimental to your diet to injest food high in carbohydrates and why injesting food low in carbohydrates makes your diet seem so simple.
Article Source: http://www.articlesnetwork.com/

The South Beach Diet

South Beach Diet – a phrase that is commonly heard but is seldom understood. This is just another truth behind the emergence of another diet. So what’s the big deal? Well, in this article you will find some facts about the South Beach Diet and what it is all about it. After all, I am sure that you love to get on with losing weight ready for summer, right?

Well, the South Beach Diet is considered as the “biggest thing” that the slimming world has ever introduced. But where exactly did the South Beach Diet come from? Here is the answer: the South Beach Diet was actually formulated by a person named Dr. Arthur Agatston after the realization that some of his patients were having little success by using conventional low carb – high fat diet plans like the Atkins diet which is also popular around the globe.

Dr. Arthur Agatston, being a cardiologist and knowing the condition of his patients, had the main concern of finding a diet that will promote a perfectly healthy heart. Finding no such source for that diet existed, he decided to formulate his own diet plan and that was to become known as the South Beach Diet.

According to the testimony of Dr. Agatston, since the introduction of the South Beach Diet, many people who followed the diet actually lost an average of 13.6 pounds almost double the 7.5 pounds lost by those who use the strict “Step II” of the American Heart Association (AHA) diet. Along with that, it was also found that when following the South Beach Diet many people showed greater decreases in their waist-to-hip ration and triglycerides, and their good to bad cholesterol ratio improved even more.

Generally, the South Beach Diet, in a word, is not considered as a low carbohydrate diet as it is commonly associated. It is a fact that the idea behind the South Beach Diet is to lose weight in a way that is healthy for those who follow it.

The South Beach Diet, unlike the low carbohydrate diets usually encourages the dieter to choose between the good and the bad carb foods. As such, the dieter is required to eat more fruits and vegetables and even wholegrain bread in contrast to other low carb diets. So, in the South Beach Diet, there is more of a sense of “yin and yang”, that it is more balanced than any other low carb diets in the whole world.

About the Author:
Lorna Mclaren
Find out more about the South Beach Diet and other weight loss programs at www.a1-comparediets.com and take the first step to a slimmer and healthier tomorrow, today.
Content Provider: http://www.my-articles.com

Monday, October 30, 2006

Simple Weight Loss

Active weight watchers consistently ask what foods can I eat and what foods should I avoid. This is a genuine thing because if you have set a goal to lose weight you want to be sure that you are eating the right things. The good news is that there are very few foods that you should avoid such as:

- Any type of fast food. (Pizza’s, burgers etc.)
- All soft drinks that fizz.
- Never drink beer when you eat, or eat when you drink beer. Beer will stop your body from breaking down fats.

What is more important is how much you eat. The excess weight that you put on is the difference between calories digested and calories burnt off through exercise. Therefore if you lead an active life you are able to consume more calories and your activity will burn them off. If your lifestyle lacks physical activity you must consume less calories and search for ways to become more active. Therefore the size of the serving depends upon your lifestyle. The wife of a physical worker needs to serve him larger portions because he needs it to create the energy required to get through a physically exhausting day. The risk that she takes is that by serving large meals to him she tends to serves similarly large meals to herself; often using the excuse that she is only eating two-thirds the amount he consumes. If her activity level is only half of his then two-thirds could be over-eating.

In the developed world adults consume on average 3,500 calories each day. Adults actually require 2,000 calories to function properly. Now imagine lowering your calorie intake to 3,000 per day. The 500 calories less consumed each day equates to 3,500 calories per week less or six days food every seven days. It just happens that 3,500 calories equals one pound in weight and if you can lose one pound (450 grams) each week you are at the optimum weight loss level. As a general rule diets that reduce weight by greater than one pound per week are short term and 99% of people put that weight back on. One-pound weight loss per week is the most sustainable amount.

How can you achieve this reduction in calories consumed? Easy, at the start of each day decide what you are not going to consume that day. Say Monday becomes no bread day. That means that you do not eat any bread on Monday. More importantly you don’t eat more of something else to compensate. Tuesday may be no potato day. Wednesday no cakes or cookies etc. etc. At the same time as you do this you increase your exercise level. Park the car at the furthest point from the supermarket door. Use the stairs rather than an escalator. Take a walk after dinner. Just do things that you’ve been avoiding and see how quickly you lose weight and keep it off.

This article is copyright © David McCarthy 2006 and may only be re-produced without alteration or addition.

About the Author:
David McCarthy is a prolific writer of articles on food, health and diet. His website is www.recipesmania.com and it contains all of his article in the news blogs section and hundreds of recipes for all occasions from banqueting to dieting.
Article Source: http://www.freearticlesdirectory.com

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Shopping and Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Weight Loss

Don't you wish there was an easy-to-follow practical primer to tell you all the things you should and shouldn't do to help you lose weight? I'm not talking about food choices here - there are dozens of eating plans available. I'm referring to a simple list of do's and don'ts that you can follow in your everyday life to make it easier to stick to your diet. Here are ten tips that I've found work wonders to help avoid temptation and keep me on track.

Shopping Tips

1. Shop the outside aisles.

Supermarkets are designed with the four basic food groups around the perimeter. If you stick to the outside aisles, you'll find produce, bakery, dairy and meat - exactly what you should be buying. Avoid going up and down the aisles where processed 'convenience' foods lurk to tempt you from your good intentions.

2. Don't shop hungry.

It's an old tip, but it works. When you're hungry, everything looks good - especially quick, empty calories. Make it a point to shop on a full stomach and you'll find yourself saving both money and calories.

3. Buy fresh, whole and organic whenever you can.

Processing depletes nutrients and adds calories. If you have a choice, buy fresh vegetables and fruits and whole grain products. Skip the highly processed snack foods and 'convenience' dinners.

Setting Goals

1. Set reasonable, attainable goals for yourself. Remember that a healthy, sustainable weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week. Setting the goal to lose 30 pounds by next month is setting yourself up for failure.

2. Break your goals down if you have to. The thought of losing 100 pounds can be daunting. Instead, make it your goal to lose 10 pounds this month, or to get through the week without cheating on your diet.

3. Reward yourself! There's nothing more motivating than promising yourself a special treat when you reach a goal - but don't keep rewards just for big milestones. Make a list of positive reinforcers that you can dip into whenever you avoid temptation or need a little boost.

Measuring and Weighing

1. Measure your progress by dress size instead of pounds. Why? One of the by-products of eating healthy and exercising daily is converting fat to muscle. Muscle is denser, and weighs more than fat - but you're still getting smaller, and your clothing will tell you the truth.

2. Measure your food for the first month. Our concept of portion size has been greatly distorted by restaurants, magazine ads and our own eating habits. Invest a month in learning what a real portion looks like - weigh or measure everything.

3. Measure your day in steps - steps walked, that is. Counting the steps you walk each day and aiming to increase them to 10,000 steps daily is a great way to add exercise to your diet. (Hint: Invest in a pedometer!)


1. Treat yourself well! Losing weight is something you're doing because you love yourself. Remember to reinforce yourself regularly for your hard work.

2. Focus on your health, not your weight. Eat healthy, exercise sensibly, and put in some 'me time' every day.

3. If you slip, forgive yourself and start again. Every day is a new day, and every day brings you closer to the new you.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Obesity : The Restricted Life

An obese often becomes a matter of jokes. If you are an obese, you must have noticed people laughing at you. You are re-christened with different embarrassing names. It is good not to pay heed on these useless talks. But, you can feel anger when some one directly dares to infiltrate in your personal territory and call you ‘fatty’. Obesity makes life restricted; you cannot play football; can’t climb stairs; even feel difficultly in making good physical relations. Well wishers of an obese try to put restrictions on his diet. All these things are embarrassing.

Probably, you might not have suffered from any of above mentioned problem related with your obesity; but unfortunately the truth is that obesity is a dangerous disease which is spreading rapidly all over the world. Obesity never comes alone; it brings numerous diseases like heart trouble, kidney failure, prostate cancer, arthritis along with it. Other than hereditary transmission, the root cause of obesity is taking excessive food without doing balanced amount of physical work.

There is a glib functional correlation among different systems of our body. During digestion process our body gets energy from different constituents of food which we consume. The energy in form of chemical substances is transported by the blood to various cells of the body for metabolic reactions. The excessive energy which we get from our food is stored beneath our skin in the form of fat. The fat is there to provide us energy on the day when we don’t take meal. This was the perfect arrangement, till man was a hunter and gatherer.

In the modern world, there is hardly any scarcity of food (leave few underdeveloped nations aside). Moreover, modern machineries have reduced physical workload on human beings. More food and less physical work prepare a perfect ground for obesity to grow. Exercising is the best solution to get rid of obesity. Exercise burns extra calories which you get from your food and provides you a perfect hale and healthy figure.

Controlled diet is also helpful in regaining perfect shape, because whenever you don’t take excessive calories there will be no urgency to burn them. If you are feeling difficulty to have a control over your diet; diet pills like Acomplia (Rimonabant), Xenical (Orlistat) and Reductil (Meridia) can be helpful. These oral-prescription diet pills are powerful appetite suppressants which work on nervous system and minimize uncontrolled affinity towards food.

Initially, there can be some mild complications associated with diet pills like headache, swelling of muscles, nausea. Thus, diet pills should be taken strictly on a doctor’s prescription to avoid any future medical complications.

Even after having initial mild complications diets pills are still beneficial as their association with exercise can keep away much of the fatal diseases like heart failure and cancer.

About the Author:
Clarence Carter received training as a healthcare scientist. She has been working in the same field and writes informative articles, weight loss being her pet subject. To find Acomplia rimonabant, Xenical(Orlistat), Weight loss drug Tips, Obesity, Acomplia (Rimonabant) , Phentermine, Reductil visit http://www.weight-loss-drug.co.uk/www.weight-loss-drug.co.uk
Article Source: ArticleToGo.com

Friday, October 27, 2006

Why You Are Fat – Natural Weight Loss Dieting Program

Have you ever wondered why you are fat and have considered going on a weight loss dieting program? If you did, then you must know why certain food makes you fat.

Most if not all of us are somewhat carbohydrate addicts. We have pastas, pizzas, white rice, spaghettis, bread, refined flour food and confectionaries in almost if not all our meals. Just look at the queues at the fast food joints on a regular day and you will know what I mean. Bread and sweet sugary drinks are the menu of the day, naturally.

Some of us are reluctant to embark on a weight loss dieting program to lose that excess baggage (body fat) because we think it is an exercise in sheer willpower and futility.

"You are asking me not to eat bread/rice/pizzas/hamburgers, chocolates and ice-creams my entire life? You must be nuts!" Sounds familiar? For those who incessantly snack on biscuits and chocolates between meals to stave off hunger while working at the office, here is why.

You unwittingly and naturally reach for such snacks because of the food you chose to eat earlier at an earlier meal. If you start the day with three or four slices of white bread spread with fruit jam or margarine and then wash it down with coffee and sugar, you can be sure you will be craving for snacks by mid-morning even though your breakfast was a filling one.

When your food made up primarily of carbohydrate, especially refined carbohydrate like white bread and pizzas, with little protein or fat, not to mention high in sugar, your blood glucose surges crazily following that meal.

To counter the effect of extreme glucose surge in your blood stream, your pancreas will pump more insulin than usual to bring your blood glucose level down. What happens then is that your blood glucose surges will then dip lower than your pre-meal level. When this happens, you start to get hungry and crave for more sweet stuff and more carbohydrate. This is why you reach for sweet snacks and drinks instinctively. Thus the vicious cycle continues again and again and you are eating more and more calories. So choosing the food in your meal is important so that you will not get hungry fast and then consume more calories to satisfy that hunger upsetting your natural weight loss dieting program.

When more carbohydrate is consumed than can be stored by your liver and muscles as glycogen, they are naturally converted to fat. So what should you do?

Well, you can start to limit your carbohydrate consumption (note that I said limit and not stop) and on top of that, choose slow digesting carbohydrates especially carbohydrate with fibers like fibrous vegetables, fruits, legumes, brown rice and brown bread, your insulin spike will not be so eccentric and therefore you will not get hungry or having your sweet tooth so often.

Now think about it, if you do not reach for your snacks and sugary drinks that often, it means that you are consuming fewer calories. So if your caloric consumption is less than your caloric expenditure, you are right on a natural weight loss dieting program without even realizing it. Better still, you are not going on a hunger and starvation diet because you will not get hungry that easily.

Just imagine now that you are losing weight naturally, what if you incorporate an exercise routine into your natural weight loss dieting program to burn off some more calories? Your natural weight loss result will be amazing wouldn’t it?

Now that you know why you are fat, let’s get started on this natural weight loss dieting program.

About the Author:
Chris Chew is a fitness personal trainer of actors, fashion models and male pageant winners. See his health and fitness websites Transform your body in 12 weeks and Lose Fat fast build muscles quick
Article Source: http://www.freearticlesdirectory.com

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Most Effective Diet + Weight Loss Secrets

Are you miserable with how you look and feel? Have you tried diet after diet and failed? Have you given up on losing weight? You are not alone. Every year millions of people take a trip on the diet and weight loss roller coaster. They spend billions of dollars on every fad diet out there in an attempt to lose weight.

What are the secrets to losing weight? First of all, diets don't work, period. There is NO magic pill, machine or "secret" that will magically make your body lose weight. You have to think of it as a new way of life, a permanent commitment, not just something you do for a few days or a week and it's over.

If you follow a diet or weight loss plan that requires you to totally eliminate foods or severely limit certain foods, you are setting yourself up for disappointment, frustration, and disaster from the start. You do not have to starve your body to lose fat. In fact, you must never skip a meal to lose weight. Think about it. The main goal of your body is to survive.

If you try to lose weight by reducing your calories too much, your body will respond by storing fat instead of losing it and using muscle tissue to provide it with the calories it needs. You body reacts this way because muscle is the most readily available energy source.

Using muscle tissue to feed the body lowers muscle mass causing the body's metabolism to slow down. This, in turn, makes it that much more difficult to lose weight. Starving yourself is NOT the answer! The result is a vicious cycle of trying to lose weight but gaining weight instead.

What will burn that stubborn body fat and rev up your metabolism without burning muscle mass? To effectively lose weight, you must drink lots of water, exercise daily, and eat five or six small nutritious meals throughout the day, no more than four hours apart. This weight loss plan keeps your metabolism working at maximum efficiency to burn fat.

Your body will not store up fat calories because it senses there will be a steady supply of food and you will not feel hungry or deprived between meals. With this change in your eating habits, you will not be as tempted to cheat and your weight loss will be much easier.

In addition, you MUST do some sort of daily exercise. Walking, power walking, jogging, elliptical training, bicycling and swimming are excellent and easy exercises that will put your body in fat-burning mode. These exercises force your body to burn a higher percentage of calories from fat and they increase your muscle mass which allows you to eat more. Plus, your body will burn calories for up to an hour after the activity stops.

The secrets to the most effective diet and weight loss plan are to listen to your body and eat when your body tells you it's hungry, do daily exercises and make the commitment to follow these guidelines for a lifetime. Once you train your body to follow a proper diet and nutrition plan, you will eat more frequently but you will eat fewer calories, feel more satisfied, and lose weight in a healthy manner. In that way and only that way, will you lose weight and keep it off.

About the Author:
Chris Chenoweth, author of the DO-IT-YOURSELF HOME HEALTH & MONEY GUIDE (http://mysiteinc.com/djtrevayne/guide.html), writes articles pertaining to nutrition, health issues, household budgeting tips, and cooking.
One of the best weight loss systems available, the BURN THE FAT (http://www.ezniche.com/data/article.php?l=18) program, reveals secrets that will show you how to convert your body into a fat burning machine.
Added: 15 Aug 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/34117.html

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Sonoma Diet: Promoting A Lifestyle

The Sonoma Diet is a weight loss plan that promotes the healthy and flavorful eating style of the Mediterranean and Sonoma Valley. Flavorful foods are an important part of the plan and they help you stick to the plan, loose weight and choose a healthier new lifestyle.

The core of the Sonoma Diet is the power foods which are incorporated into many meals and recipes in the book. They are almonds, bell peppers, blueberries, broccoli, grapes, olive oil, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes and whole grains. They are all not only delicious but are in the right portions, essential to good health and weight loss. Whole grains and breads are allowed on the diet from day one. But some foods with saturated fat, added sugar and refined white flour are not allowed on the program.

Connie Guttersen, PhD, RD, is the author of The Sonoma Diet: Trimmer Waist, Better Health in Just 10 Days! Guttersen offers a creative approach to encourage people to change their eating behaviors. Her emphasis is food enjoyment, portion control, food label reading and eliminating trans-fats. She identifies the diet as neither low- fat nor low- carbohydrate. She indicates it has the right balance of nutrients to ensure health, weight loss and satisfaction.

The Sonoma Diet has three waves to Weight loss. Wave 1 is a 10-day period in which dieters can eat certain vegetables, lean meats, seafood, limited dairy, some grains, thee daily servings of olive or canola oil, a small amount of nuts, black coffee, tea, and an unlimited amount of herbs and spices. This wave is the most extreme and its purpose is to wean the body from sugar. This wave will produce rapid weight loss depending on the person and the amount of weight they need to loose.

Wave 2 allows the same foods as Wave 1, but adds more fruits, more vegetables, fat-free yogurt, some sugar free sweets, some dark chocolate, honey and some wine. In this wave weight loss is more gradual and approximately ½-1.5 pounds a week. Dieters stay in this wave until they reach their target weight.

The final stage-wave 3- promotes the same principles of healthy eating as the prior waves but recommends increasing servings of fruits and vegetables and indulging in occasional treats. It also recommends more experimentation with different foods and different ways of enjoying meals.

© Copyright Diet-Newsroom.com, All Rights Reserved.

About the Author:
Kim Black runs www.diet-newsroom.com where shes writes diet & nutrition articles about popular new diets.Content Provider: http://www.my-articles.com

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Find a Weight Loss Program That Works For You

Millions of people struggle with weight issues every year—and despite claims that a wonder diet can “work for everybody”, the fact is that each of those individuals have a medical history, a personality, or a lifestyle issue that affects whether or not that weight control technique will help them shed those pounds.

But while nothing works for everybody, there is something that will work for you…and the challenge is to find it, identify it, and stick to it.

For some people, appetite control is extremely difficult. Some weight loss programs try to tackle that problem by delving into the psychological issues behind food (these are the total lifestyle body makeovers, whose techniques include keeping a food journal and coming to terms with one’s body image). Others address the problem through metabolism, introducing or removing certain foods in one’s diet that are said to either trigger appetite. Still others, like diet pills, act as appetite suppressants. Other programs rely on nutritional substitutes, like heavy shakes that make one feel full and provide adequate vitamins and minerals, while reducing calories.

For others, it’s not appetite that’s problematic, it’s the kind of food they eat. Certain diet programs give very strict diet regimens that promote weight loss, because of the way the body digests the food. Some are short-term, meant to shed pounds over a limited period of time; others are long-term lifestyle changes. The success of these diet programs depend largely on the person’s weight loss goals and level of commitment. Needless to say, if you just want to drop a dress size for your wedding, you may not be ready to go into something long-term. But if you have health problems, and need to control cholesterol levels, then a short-term solution would not be very effective.

Other weight loss programs are closely tied with exercise routines. Of course, not all exercise regimens will appeal to an individual; some would find yoga interesting, while others would prefer something like belly dancing. The idea is that one picks what is most interesting to them—the more fun and enjoyment they derive from a routine, the more likely they will stick to it.

The mistake that many people make is that they don’t consider their own lifestyle or personality when they try a diet or exercise regimen; they go with what everyone else is doing, or jump on the weight loss bandwagon on the premise that it worked for so-and-so. While it’s okay to experiment with different regimens (wouldn’t hurt to try anything once), ultimately it is a search to find what is personally appealing.

Another secret to maintaining a diet or exercise regimen is to have very clear and realistic goals. “Be thin” is too general to be meaningful; pinpoint a number, and a date: “Lose 15 pounds by September.” And to avoid discouragement, that goal must be humanly achievable and should never compromise with one’s health. If a diet makes one dizzy, or radically affects one’s ability to be fully alert and functional, then stop immediately.

Luckily there is a wide variety of weight loss regimens. There’s bound to be one that will help one meet one’s goals and match one’s lifestyle.

About the Author:
Philip Nicosia
Resources.eu.com is an online resource centre covering many topics including health and fitness and weight loss.
Article Source: http://www.articlesnetwork.com/

Monday, October 23, 2006

Diabetes and Weight Loss

Did you know that you can be 'just a little bit diabetic'? The condition is technically called 'pre-diabetes', and it is characterized by persistent high blood sugar levels. Pre-diabetes is a serious condition, though its symptoms may be so subtle that you don't notice them affecting your life. More importantly, it's an indicator that there is something seriously wrong with your body. Left untreated, over 50% of those diagnosed with pre-diabetes will develop Type 2 diabetes within ten years.

If your doctor has told you that you are one of the more than 16 million Americans who has pre-diabetes, the American Diabetes Association has some very good news for you. In March 2005, the ADA released the results of the multi-year Diabetes Prevention Project. In a study that followed thousands of patients across the nation who had been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, the Diabetes Prevention Project found that patients who lost a 'moderate' amount of weight reduced their risk of developing full-blown diabetes by over 58%. Even more encouraging, many of those patients had managed to reverse their condition, and their blood sugar levels were well within normal ranges.

This was a result that the researchers had not expected. Diabetes (and pre-diabetes) is the result of changes to cells in the pancreas that reduce the amount of insulin that they can produce. Doctors have always believed that those changes are irreversible. Now however, the research seems to suggest that losing weight with a healthy balance of exercise and diet can actually heal those early damages caused by diabetes.

Here's the even better news. Those results were achieved by people who lost 'moderate' amounts of weight - from 5-7% of their total body mass. In other words, if you weigh 200 pounds and have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, losing just 10-15 pounds can more than halve the risk of developing full-blown diabetes, and may reverse your condition entirely.

Here are some healthy weight loss tips from the American Diabetes Association:

1. Keep your diet balanced. Eat a variety of foods in all food groups, with an emphasis on grains, starches and fresh vegetables and fruit.

2. Learn to eyeball portions. Portion control is far more important than restricting what foods you eat. A 'portion' of raw vegetables may be considerably larger than a portion of the same vegetables cooked. There are some handy reference guides on their web site at www.diabetes.org

3. Add one half hour daily of moderate exercise to your daily routine five days a week. This one single lifestyle change seemed to be the key to both weight loss and the beneficial effects derived from it. It was the single significant difference between the two groups in the study.

The results of the Diabetes Prevention Project only confirm what has been the best advice in dieting circles for years - losing weight with a balanced diet and exercise is the healthiest way there is. For more information on the diet recommended by the American Diabetes Association, visit their web site at www.diabetes.org

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Adipex Diet Drug Gives You An Easy Way To Keep Your Fat Off

While obesity is taking form of a hazardous disease, there are numerous diet pill manufacturers claiming to cure fat effectively. Adipex diet drug is one among the best possible diet drugs available to cure obese people of their fat.

Adipex diet drug is an appetite suppressant diet medicine. It works by stimulating hypothalamus gland and affects certain neurotransmitters, which controls nervous system of brain. Thus, it controls the gland which allows appetite in body. Appetite is lost due to Adipex diet pills, and people refrain having food. In such way, this pill deals with obesity in a strict way, and keeps fats off dwelling in one’s body.

Adipex diet drug is used for the short-term treatment of obesity. It results very effectively in losing weight if taken in combination with good diet plan and exercise. This diet drug comes in form of tablets. It should be taken once everyday, in the morning or three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Overdose of this pill must be avoided as it may cause some severe bad health effects.

It must be remembered that Adipex diet drug is a prescription based drug, and must only be taken under doctor’s guidance. This diet drug is not a substitute for proper diet. For maximum effects, this must be used in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise program.

Use of Adipex diet drug might cause some side effects, such as, Dry mouth, sleeplessness, irritability, upset stomach or constipation, etc. If any serious effect occurs during its usage, one should rush to doctor. One should take all precautions while using this pill as little carelessness can put one’s health in danger.

Availing Adipex diet drug has become simpler now through buying it online. It enables one to save a lot of time as well as money, because there are many online agents who offer some discount. Adipex diet drug, in its positive response in controlling their fat, appears to be a true mate to obese people.

About the Author:
Joseph Jones received training as a healthcare scientist. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for weight loss subject. To find Acomplia, Buy phentermine, Cheap phentermine, Diet pills, Adipex diet drug, Phentermine diet pills visit http://www.onlinephentermine.net/www.onlinephentermine.net
Article Source: ArticleToGo.com

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Folly of Diet Recipes

Have you ever wondered why diet books always seem to have a section of recipes?

Apart from the desire to make the book look larger and therefore more worth its inflated price, why should we be so interested in studying foods and ways to serve it when we are trying to avoid it as much as possible?

It is inconceivable that we have reached adulthood without the basic skills to boil, bake, steam, or roast our food.

We all know that these are the only low fat methods we should be using on any diet. And whatever we eat, plainer is better to control calories.

So what are all these recipes doing in a book that is supposed to be redirecting our attention away from food?

Is it a case of mutual fool-yourself-time?

The diet authors know that unless their menus have taste, and enticing pictures or detailed ingredient lists, no one will select their plan and they'll lose money. In their real diet plan outline, they identify what is allowed and what is forbidden. Their recipe section might have been written by someone else. Certainly there are substitutions made to qualify as diet food but desserts, dips, and brunches?

Unless you're a marathon runner (who is unlikely to have overweight problems anyway), why would you ever think that a weight loss diet includes dessert? Dieting is about the exclusion of certain foods. Substitution may work well for basics such as salad dressings and entree additions, but complete elimination of dessert, colas, and candy are an absolute given if your weight control plans are to have any chance of success, The fact that chocolate has some acceptable nutrients doesn't mean that it belongs on a weight loss diet. (I know that some diet guru is, even as you read this, developing a chocolate diet that will bring in millions!)

We bury our heads in the sand, keep taunting ourselves with those addictive sweet flavors, and crow about the minimal number of calories in a serving of the dish (a thimbleful size - check the small print on how many people this little dish is supposed to serve).

Admit it, the only reason we crave recipes is to spice something up, to increase our pleasure and make the whole dieting task less painful. We can eat food plain without any fancy recipes but that would be no fun.

So we convince ourselves that all the stuff we are adding to our basics: low fat gravy, liquid margarine instead of butter, lemon and capers in place of tartar sauce, vinegar and oil rather than creamy Ranch, and a variety of sugar substitutes are all allowed in our plan so we might as well enjoy.

And then we are surprised and disappointed when the weight loss stops.

It must be my glands!

About the Author:
Dr. Virginia Bola is a psychologist and an admitted diet fanatic, specializing in therapeutic reframing and the effects of attitudes and motivation on individual goals. Visit her at: www.DietWithAnAttitude.com/index2.html
Content Provider: http://www.my-articles.com

Friday, October 20, 2006

Diet: How to really make your Diet work for you?

First of all, you need to understand, that your body needs a proper Balanced Nutrition Diet, with a proper daily amount of: vitamins, proteins, minerals and carbohydrates.

Get into a habit of eating exactly 3 Meals a day.

1. Eat breakfast within one hour of rising.
Breakfast provides at least 30 percent of the total energy and nutrition needed to sustain the human body during the whole day. And therefore it is very important to have a proper breakfast and not to skip it.

2. Have a healthy low-fat lunch snack.
Have a healthy snack in your lunch time, low fat yogurt for example, to keep your energy running.

3. Have your dinner three hours before your bedtime.
Have a Proper dinner three hours before your bedtime; never go to bed on a full stomach.

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

2 liters of water a day would help your body to burn calories more effectively and to get rid of toxins.

Exercising is a KEY.

By exercising, your body gets an advantage of many physiological benefits such as:

- Weight Control by elevating your metabolism so that you burn more calories daily.
- The Boost in your energy level
- Strengthening of your heart and lungs
- Improvement in your self-image and self-confidence.

So, don’t forget to exercise at least 10 minutes a day.

Try to avoid using fats.

Try to keep the fat level in your cooking as low as possible.

Make Calcium your friend.

Include as much calcium as you can in your daily diet by eating:

- Oranges
- Broccoli
- Soybeans
- Tofu
- Sunflower Seeds
- Papaya

And other sources of calcium.

Calcium is a crucial element for bone metabolism. Calcium deficiency is very common. The "Average" American diet does not even come close to meeting the normal calcium requirements:

425 mg. a day for Men
450 mg. a day for Women

So, to sum it up:
1. Have exactly 3 meals a day
2. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day
3. Exercise at least 10 minutes a day
4. Avoid fats
5. Make calcium your friend

By following these 5 simple rules, you will be losing weight in no time.

About the Author:
Stanislav Karpunin
WellnessWorx.net markets quality, weight-management, nutrition and personal health care products created by WellnessPro leading industry experts. WellnessPro Weight Loss Nutrition
Article Source: http://www.articlesnetwork.com/

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Weight Loss Attitudes

Once you’ve achieved your desired weight, you return to your old eating habits and levels of activity, the weight will return. Plain and simple.

Quick-fix diets face this kind of problem. They don’t offer long-term changes which sometimes cause the downfall of the program.

Stay realistic

Avoid feeling dissatisfaction with what you have accomplished. Enjoy your life and be satisfied with the healthy weight you can achieve. Initially, weight loss is gradual compared to those who return to their previous weight.

Have self-discipline

People who watch their weight show flexibility in their self-control. Most of the time, they make healthy choices but does not avoid eating food.

Eat healthily

Learn proper choice, preparation and enjoyment of a balanced diet. Skill in cooking low-fat diet, understanding labels of food and being able to judge portion sizes food labels and having the ability to judge portion sizes contribute to a balanced diet.

Eating regular meals, tasting them and planning ahead is also a part of this.

How to eat like a successful slimmer

• Maintain a balanced, lower fat diet in addition to fruits and vegetables.
• Don't stay away from any foods, eat portion sizes and minimize the amount of certain foods.
• Eat three regular meals a day at regular times (starting with breakfast), and lesser snacks.
• Dine out occasionally, but lessen fast food.
• Sit down to eat your meals, enjoy them and pay attention to what you're eating.

Stay active

Getting regular exercise is one of the factors that determine long-term success. It does not only burn unwanted calories and increase metabolism but also increases self-esteem and fights stress.

According to research, walking alone for 30 minutes daily plus some additional activities during the week can be enough.

Have ongoing support

The right kind of support during and after weight loss is vital. It is not an easy task and maintaining them is not easy as well.

Self-monitoring, being conscious and taking down notes is a way of supporting yourself.

Learn to deal with stress

Food is a quick and effective method of handling stress for some people. Evaluate the stresses in your life and your response to these stresses.

Discover new ways to handle your stress. Regular exercise, breathing techniques and removing negative self-talk that fuels anxiety.

Be like a successful slimmer

• Regularly inspect your weight (once or twice a week) or use another indicator.
• Avoid guilt-feeling when you overeat or about certain foods.
• Handle stress and solve problems. Ask for assistance and support from your family, friends, a club, website or health professionals.

About the Author:
Jan Thomsen is writing health, diet and exercise articles for the 1200 calories diet site and family oriented articles for the Halds family blog
Article Source: http://www.freearticlesdirectory.com

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Do Not Fall For These Weight Loss Gimmicks

Have you heard about the new weight loss patch? You wear it behind your ear, and it speeds up your metabolism and helps you control your appetite. It sounds pretty reasonable, doesn't it? After all, if someone had told you five years ago that you could quit smoking by sticking a circle of fabric on your skin would you have believed them?

Unfortunately, this one isn't true. According to Dr. Michael Myers, who maintains the popular web site weight.com, it's just another of the hoaxes that clever promoters are using to bilk you out of your money. Weight loss is a gold mine, and unscrupulous operators will use any gimmick to convince you that their product is the magic cure that will melt away your pounds without any effort on your part.

Here are a few of the current weight loss gimmicks and the truth about them.

The Diet Patch

Transdermal delivery of medication is a reality, and there are certain medications that are absorbed readily through the skin. However, the most common active ingredient used in diet patches on the market is 'fucus vesiculosus', a seaweed that is a major source of iodine. Iodine was once a recommended treatment for obesity, because it helps promote healthy thyroid function. It was abandoned because of side effects and the untoward effects when treatment with iodine ceases. In other words, it's an outdated medication being revived for delivery in a new way.

Wash your fat away with slimming soap!

The claim is that this is an ancient Chinese soap that contains a unique blend of ingredients derived from seaweed which will 'emulsify' the fat. Further, it comes in several different versions, including one that is specifically meant to give you 'beautiful thighs'. In all truth, the ingredients sound like they'd do a lovely job of softening and toning your skin, but there's not an ounce of research quoted anywhere that can be checked for the results. Until I see the proof, I'll just figure that any weight loss resulted from vigorous scrubbing - not the ingredients!

Magnetic Weight Loss... earrings

Yes, earrings. According to the press, it's another ancient Chinese Secret that has to do with balancing the magnetism in the body. By wearing a magnet near the ear, you can suppress hunger, increase metabolism, speed up the healing process and reduce pain. Again, though there's mention of 'studies', none are cited, and I couldn't find any in any medical journals. It won't kill you, at least, and the earrings are pretty, but I wouldn't put much stock in their weight loss properties.

All of these new weight loss discoveries should be filed in the “Yeah right” file, right next to sauna wraps, copper bracelets, and electro-slimming belts. If it sounds too good to be true, remember, it probably is. The only gimmick to weight loss is to eat less and move more!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The South Beach Diet

Among the most popular forms of dieting is the South Beach diet, developed by cardiologist Arthur Agatston of Miami, Florida.

The South Beach diet is always confused with Atkins Diet, which is a low-carbohydrate diet. The South Beach diet highlights the consumption of “good carbohydrates” (high in fiber) and low in glycemic index. The South Beach diet was developed for patients with heart problems to lose weight without risking ketosis. The weight loss was a side effect which turned out to be beneficial and this encouraged many people to try South Beach diet.

According to the South Beach diet theory, highly processed carbohydrates are quickly digested which makes insulin level to shoot up. Once the carbohydrates are all used up, your high insulin level makes you crave more for carb-filled foods.

The South Beach diet is based on the observation that Americans are carb crazy, which is also the reason for the induction phase. In the first two weeks, dieters attempt to eliminate bad carb such as grains or fruits. After this phase, grain-based foods and fruits are returned to the diet with the concentration on foods with low glycemic index.

The South Beach diet also emphasizes the difference between good and bad carbohydrates, and good and bad fats. Good carbohydrates have low glycemic index which means that they are slowly digested and absorbed. The South Beach diet bans unhealthy fats such as saturated fat.

Finally, the South Beach diet stresses a permanent change in one’s way of eating. The South Beach diet suggests whole grains along with large amounts of vegetables, with sufficient amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, plus Omega-3 oils. The South Beach diet discourages eating of overly refined foods such as flour and sugar.

According to experts, the South Beach diet met the criteria of healthy diet which is a good thing. The bad thing is the induction phase wherein dieters lose weight due to loss of water. Losing a large amount of water can disturb one’s electrolyte so if you’re following the South Beach diet, it would be better if you work closely with a doctor.

According to Dr. Agatston, South Beach diet is neither a low carb nor low fat diet but the restrictions placed in the induction phase cut big time the carbohydrate and fat intake of dieters. The good thing about the South Beach diet is that it teaches people on the right foods to eat to cut the risk of heart problems and high cholesterol as well as help them lose weight. The South Beach diet is a long, tedious journey towards perhaps a drop dead gorgeous body. But more than phases of losing weight, the South Beach diet is a way of life.

About the Author:
Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about weight loss, please go to: http://weight-loss.besthealthlink.net/ or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to: http://www.besthealthlink.net/
Article Source: www.iSnare.com

Monday, October 16, 2006

Burn 300 Calories By Relaxing!

Benefits of a Sauna
Let's take a look at some of the ways that a sauna can benefit your health.

Steam saunas may help you lose weight. Spending some time in a steam bath for can burn as many as 300 calories. Combine this with a healthy diet and exercise and you'll be thinner in no time. The steam sauna can also tighten your skin, in that dirty battle against cellulite.

Relax Your Aching Muscles
A steam bath will relax your tense and aching muscles. If you have had a long day (or month) at work, toxins can build up in your muscle tissue, causing you pain and discomfort. A steam sauna can force your muscles to relax, almost instantly releasing these harmful toxins. It is also great after a workout. The extra blood flow will speed up the repair of your muscle tissue, thus allowing you to exercise again sooner. Don't take my word for it. The Finnish Olympic team takes a portable steam sauna to all competitions. (see Sauna)

Passive Cardiovascular Workout!
The Infrared Sauna makes it possible for people in wheelchairs, or those who are otherwise unable to exert themselves, or who won't follow through on an exercising and conditioning program to achieve a cardiovascular training effect. This also allows for more variety in any ongoing training program. "Many of us who run do so to place a demand on our cardiovascular system, not to build big leg muscles. Regular use of a sauna may impact a similar stress on the cardiovascular system, and its regular use may be as effective, as a means of cardiovascular conditioning and burning of calories, as regular exercise." - Journal of the American Medical Association 8/7/81.

Infrared Saunas
Due to the deep penetration, over 1.5" into the skin, of the infrared rays generated by the Infrared Sauna, there is a heating effect deep in the muscular tissues and the internal organs. The body responds to this deep-heating effect via an hypothalamic-induced increase in both heart volume and rate. This beneficial heart stress leads to a sought-after cardiovascular training and conditioning effect. Medical researches confirm the use of a sauna provides cardiovascular conditioning as the body works to cool itself and involves substantial increases in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate.

Cleansing From the Inside
The other major contribution and health-related benefit from infrared saunas, is that the process actually enables more efficient internal cleansing processes in the human body. This is accomplished by isolating and mobilizing any trapped impurities or body toxins and immediately eliminating or expelling them directly through the skin.

We urge you to visit http://www.saunadetox.info for more information on how sauna can benefit you more today! Live a healthy life, live longer and live happier! Sauna Detox today!

About the Author:
Camry Woods
A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 grams in a sauna, consuming nearly 300 kcal in just 15 minutes of Sauna!
Added: 16 Aug 2006
Article Source: http://articles.simplysearch4it.com/article/34173.html

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Boost Your Brain Power With A Balanced Diet

Just like any other organ in your body, your brain must be properly nourished to work correctly. When it comes to the brain, however, this particular organ is especially important to feed correctly as it controls all other parts of the body. The better fed the brain, the quicker and more effective your reactions, actions and abilities will be.

Brain foods are simply those foods that contain nutrients that are vital for brain function. These include those with omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and so on. Just like every other part of your body, your brain needs fuel to keep going and going strong. The brain relies on complex sugars to keep it working right, and proteins as well.

For those who think good food must by default taste awful, think again. Some of the best brain foods are those we rely on every day to round out our diets with taste, variety and pizzazz.

Some of the best brain foods include such things as bananas, lean beef, broccoli, cheese, chicken, greens, legumes, milk, oatmeal, oranges and brown rice. Eggs, peanut butter, peas, yeast, yogurt and spinach, too, are considered great brain foods.

In general, the best brain foods are good proteins and complex carbohydrates. The brain needs a steady supply of healthy sugar to keep going all day long, but the sugar shouldn't be processed and refined. Rather, the sugars supplied by complex carbs are the best. Proteins found in meats, nuts, beans and dairy products, too, provide a great boost for the brain.

Complex sugars are better because they feed the body a steady supply of power. Simple, processed sugars give the body a boost, it's true, but they can also make it crash. Ever feel really, really sleepy after lunch? That's a crash.

If the brain isn't properly fed it will not function right. Some foods are even considered bad for mental acuity. These slow down the thought process and they can get in the way of every day function. Foods that are generally not the best for the brain include soda, alcohol, those that contain artificial sweeteners and corn syrup, high sugar foods, white bread and fats. Drugs such as nicotine, too, can cause problems for the brain.

When it comes to feeding the brain, the best thing a person can do is feed the entire body. This means eating a healthy, balanced diet. Of course, it's okay to splurge once in a while, but to ensure overall better health, balance is key.

A diet rich in fruits, whole grains and cereals, vegetables, beans, dairy products and proteins is the best way to go. Be smart and balance it out. Mix up foods so you keep variety high and interest in a healthy diet even higher.

Here are some of the best brain foods for each of the major groups:

Fruits: oranges, cherries and grapefruits.

Grains: oatmeal, bran, brown rice.

Vegetables/beans: Soy, kidney and chickpeas are all fantastic brain foods.

Dairy: Milk, cheese, yogurt.

Meats: Salmon, turkey, chicken and other lean meats.

Eating right is not only good for your brain, but your entire body. Balance your diet, have fun with recipes and be smart with your choices. Brain foods aren't boring.

About the Author:
Ray La Foy: #1 Resource
Healthy foods.
Content Provider: http://www.my-articles.com

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Vegetarian Diet: Great For Weight Loss, Health And The Planet

"Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends" was how George Bernard Shaw explained his vegetarian diet. Albert Einstein said that the adoption of "the vegetarian manner of living...would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind."

Whether you are interested in vegetarianism because of lofty moral ideals such as those held by Shaw and Einstein, or because you just want to lose weight and feel better physically you are not alone. Throughout the world there is a growing interest in vegetarianism.

Let's take a look at the main reasons for being a vegetarian.

Physical: There is a long list of modern diseases that are aggravated by meat eating: colon cancer, heart disease, kidney disease, arthritis and gout top the list.

In addition, many toxins accumulate in meat, as animals are on the top of an agricultural food chain that is heavily dependent on chemicals and pesticides. Added to the chemicals of the environment, are the hormones secreted into an animal's bloodstream as it faces death. "The flesh of an animal is loaded with toxic blood and other waste products," was how the Nutrition Institute of America described it.

If that isn't enough to make you think about trying a vegetarian diet, there is more

You Can Live Without Meat: You can get all the vitamins, minerals and even protein that you need without eating any meat products. A diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products will certainly provide you with what you need. And such a diet is not boring. Have you ever tasted an elaborate vegetarian Indian dinner, or vegetarian Chinese cuisine, or vegetarian Italian food?

While it is possible to be vegetarian and also be fat, it is much harder! A vegetarian diet is not a fad diet that you will do for a period, but something you can follow and enjoy for your whole life.

But there are more reasons why a vegetarian diet makes sense.

Moral and Social Reasons: We all love our cats, dogs, and house pets. We regard them as beautiful creatures who are part of our family. Other animals, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens ducks, etc. are also beautiful creatures and they too want to live. If we can live our lives without killing them, then why should we?

Finally, our Mother earth is small and has limited resources. Feeding humanity with meat takes a big toll on the environment. It makes more sense for us to get nourishment from plant proteins rather than growing grains and then feeding it to animals. Every year millions of people die of hunger in the developing countries, while thousands die of avoidable diseases in the developed countries due to overeating the wrong kind of food. Surely, in the 21st Century, we can do better than this. The spread of the vegetarian diet may be the best way to correct this crazy imbalance.

So, think about it, and try out a vegetarian diet. It will help you to slim down, feel great physically and connect you with the other living beings on planet Earth.

About the Author:
Dada Vedaprajinananda is yoga teacher and writer. He is the author of “Yoga Weight Loss Secrets” , available at www.yogaweightlosssecrets.com and is the publisher of the Life Weight Loss Article Directory – www.lifeweightloss.com – where you can find articles and information about health, fitness and weight loss.Article Source: http://www.freearticlesdirectory.com

South Beach Diet Information

As the South Beach Diet continues to make its way to the zenith of fame and prestige, many South Beach diet questions are now demanding concrete answers. With the emergence of so many South Beach Diet questions, many companies that are concerned about the South Beach Diet are establishing their own channels and sources for the people to post their South Beach Diet questions and other concerns.

So today, the amount of South Beach Diet questions could not be counted due to its massive variations which demand very exact answers. There are South Beach Diet questions that demand similar answers, but there are also those that really need some philosophies and deep consideration.

Knowing the rapid emergence of the South Beach Diet questions, it is nice to know that the different questions can now be answered through the several forums intended for the South Beach Diet program. In line with such channels for different South Beach Diet questions are the presence of the South Beach Diet official site, discussion forums for this diet plan, and even some books concerning on the South Beach Diet plan.

With the different variations of the South Beach Diet questions, it is interesting to know that what is commonly noted are some of the South Beach Diet questions that have to do with the actual South Beach Diet meal plans, and the fundamentals of the South Beach Diet. It is also commonly noted that some South Beach Diet questions are concern with the success stories, experiences, and even South Beach Diet questions about the other related information that can aid people to decide whether the South Beach Diet program is really best for them.

Since the brain of the South Beach Diet is Dr. Arthur Agatston, numerous resources have noted that the best resource for any sort of answers for the different South Beach Diet questions is Dr. Agatston himself. Well, this is indeed the best resource for getting your questions answered. Dr. Agatston is the inventor and developer of the South Beach Diet, so he knows everything about this latest diet craze. Speaking of such a resource, it is interesting to know that asking for answers from Dr. Agatston is not impossible since there are so many sites on the web that offered contacts to the diets inventor. Besides, there is the official site for the South Beach Diet where you can find South Beach Diet questions that were answered by Dr. Agatston himself and also there are the online forums that also provide resources for so many South Beach Diet questions.

Aside from the mentioned resources for any answers concerning the South Beach Diet program, for particular emphasis, there is also the Prevention.com which is one of the biggest and best sources for any answers to different South Beach Diet questions.

It is interesting to know that the South Beach Diet questions can be best answered in many forms like through the nutrition tool and meal planner, message boards, Q&A sessions and direct emails from South Beach Diet nutritionists and Dr. Agatston, chats, and there is also something known as Beach Buddies which will give answers to different South Beach Diet questions.

If you do have an questions regarding the South Beach Diet its good to know that you can always find the answer.

About the Author:
Lorna Mclaren
Find out more about the South Beach Diet and other popular diet programs at www.a1-comparediets.com. Take the first step to a healthier and slimmer tomorrow, today.
Content Provider: http://www.my-articles.com

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Different Combination of Elements In the Body

If these five basic elements are maintained in proper proportion in the body, a proper metabolism is ensured and the body remains healthy. However due to heredity, eating and living habits more often than not, we disturb one or two of these elements and thus upset the metabolism and there is a predominance of three different types of combinations. Such combination of these elements decide our types-prakrutis. Aurveda, the Indian medical therapy, has divided people into three types:

1) Combination through excess of Earth +Water
2) Combination through excess of Fire + Air, and
3) Excess of Air element

This therapy advocates that while treating the patients, one must keep in mind their respective types. For those people having kapha prakruthi, milk will only create problems.

People, therefore, having bronchitis or asthma indigestion should avoid milk. For people with pitt prakruti, spicy food will enhance their problem. Therefore, what is good for one type could be harmful to another.

Kapha Prakruti

It is a combination of earth and water. These elements occupy the major portion of our body. Sweet foods and drinks when properly digested are reduced to saline and the blood becomes alkaline.

It sustains the body system, Increases vigor and there is a marked growth of happiness. It lubricates the joints of bones and keeps them working properly. However, this is possible when there is proper element of fire – heat in the body.

However because of lack of exercise, overheating, eating between the meals when not hungry, eating more indigestible foods like concentrated sweet-fried things causes problems of indigestion and fail to produce enough heat in the body.

This leads to increase in water content and reduction of heat in the body, resulting in problems like dullness, heaviness, increase in fats, common cold bronchitis and later on asthma, arthritis rheumatism etc.

The best way to cure the above ailments of kapha prakruti is to reduce the intake of undesirable foods, cold drinks and foods that only aggravate the problems. They should eat only light digestible food when hungry; avoid sleeping during the day and over sex. Even milk is harmful to them. They should also take physical exercises.

Pitta Prakruti

It is a combination of fire+ air. Excess of heat damages the working of brain – leads to acidity – ulcer, cold due to heat, skin problems, even sexual weakness, short temper and falling of hair.

Now, in modern times more anxiety – worries- eating more of fried and spicy foods- more exposure to sun, excessive use of antibiotics indulged in by people increases their problem. It is, therefore essential to avoid these habits as much as possible.

They should take sweet fruit juice as the first thing in the morning and have more fruits, sweet desserts after eating and drink more green juice.

Air Vayu Prakruti

This condition prevails when there is an excess of the element of air. People belonging to this category are more talkative and have day dreams. They need more sleep and have more gas trouble. These imbalances lead to fainting.

The tendency to eat heavy-oily foods- like fried and foods made out of gram etc. increases this tendency. People in such condition should avoid constipation and sleeping during day time, have more physical exercise so as to increase heat and circulation and should avoid unsuitable foods.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Nutritional Supplements And A Balanced Diet

If you are a person who is interested in eating a balanced diet in order to enjoy a healthy life, you may be contemplating the use of vitamins and nutritional supplements. There are some definite benefits that can be derived from the proper use of vitamin products and nutritional supplements. However, in order to make vitamins and nutritional supplements an effective and appropriate part of an overall health diet program, it is necessary to understand how these products fit within an overall healthy eating regimen.

In reality, before you embark on any diet plan that includes the use of supplements and vitamins it is important for you to obtain and seek medical advice. Each and every year people embark on a diet plan that includes the use of nutritional supplements without first consulting a health care or nutrition specialist. Some of these people end up suffering serious health problems due to a diet plan (which includes supplements) that they embark on without a professional consultation. Of course, in the end, you want to improve your health through the use of nutritional supplements as opposed to causing health problems through the use of such products.

Nutritional supplements (and vitamins) can be utilized as a means of supporting an otherwise healthy eating and exercise program. In simple terms, nutritional supplements can be used to better your overall balanced diet plan on two fronts:

1. Nutritional supplements can be used to fill in some minor nutritional gaps in your overall healthy diet.

2. Nutritional supplements can be used to assist in boosting the effectiveness of your overall healthy diet plan.

As an aside, nutritional supplements can also be utilized to make any companion workout routine more effective. By properly balancing your overall diet, your exercise routine and the proper utilization of nutritional supplements, you will be well on your way to establishing a complete plan for healthy living. Through such a regimented and appropriately crafted program you will enjoy better health and you may be able to add years to your life.

There are a number of different resources that you will want to consider when it comes to making decisions regarding incorporating nutritional supplements into your overall diet plan. You would be well versed in consulting these resources -- whether from the brick and mortar world or online -- in addition to seeking professional guidance from a doctor or nutrition specialist.

About the Author:
Linda Polansky writes about Nutritional Supplements and Vitamins and Balanced Diet
Article Source: http://www.NewFREEArticles.com/

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

8 mistakes I made while trying to lose weight

I went on my first diet around five years ago. Over the past four and a half years my weight went up and down as I tried every diet and exercise program under the sun. Nothing seemed to work for me. Until six months ago I enrolled in a weight workshop which taught me that I need to change the way I look at food. It was then that I realized that I had made many mistakes in my quest to lose weight.

In this article I’m going to share with you eight mistakes I made on my quest to lose weight. I hope by sharing my experiences with others throughout the world via the internet I might be able to help people avoid the mistakes I made. So, here are the eight mistakes I made while trying to lose weight.

1. I started to skip breakfast

Most people trying to lose weight believe simply eating less and skipping meals helps shed that fat. And breakfast is a real easy meal to skip. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when on a weight loss diet. If you leave the house in the morning on an empty stomach you’re much more tempted to eat more at morning tea and lunch times. And, calories you eat at breakfast time are easily burnt throughout the day.

2. I would eat one day and not the next

I would literally eat about 2000+ calories one day, feel guilty, and end up eating about 700 calories the following day. If you “starve” yourself throughout the day you’re much more likely to eat more in the evenings, which is not going to help you lose weight. You should consume most of your calories in the morning.

3. I bought diet food

When I went shopping I always looked for the foods marked diet, low-fat, healthy etc. This is a good practice to get into, but I was buying these foods for the wrong reason. I bought these foods because in my mind it meant I could more. I would totally disregard portion size. If you eat diet foods in large portions you’re not doing yourself any favors.

4. I thought I’d always be fat

This is mindset that you must break if you want to lose some serious weight. Sometimes it feels like you’re doing the right things and not making any progress, this is totally natural. You need to focus on being happy and healthy and achieving your goals. Try not to get caught up in “the big picture”.

5. I started eating salads as main meals

Eating salad is a good way of keeping your calorie intake down right? Yes, meal of salad has much less calories that a pizza but does it have the satisfaction? When you eat you mind needs to get some satisfaction from what you have just eaten. I found that when I ate salads for meals a few hours later I was back I the cupboard looking for more food. I learnt that I was better off eating a balanced meal with slightly more calories than simply eating a salad and snacking afterwards.

6. I started my new diets on Mondays

When I found a new diet that I decided I was going to try I always started it on a Monday. This meant I would eat all weekend like I was never going to eat again. Doing this I was just setting myself up for failure.

7. I was to embarrassed to go to the gym

Taking the plunge and joining a gym was one of the hardest things I ever did. I was always worried that people in the gym would be staring at me and talking about me. I really thought I was too fat to join. My advice is to join a gym! You’ll be glad you did. I look forward to going to the gym now.

8. I set my goals to high

Setting long term goals is great, but these goals always seem to far off. You need to set smaller, more reachable goals that you can regularly meet to keep your motivation high. Set yourself weekly, monthly and three monthly goals. Once you meet one short term goal set a new one for next week.

So there you have it, those are the mistakes I made. I now look at weight loss from a totally different perspective and it has paid off. I now help others with weight loss and keeping healthy.

About the Author:
Darren MacLeod
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Monday, October 09, 2006

Rimonabant- A Sensible Way for Preventing Obesity

Issues like obesity should be treated from that stage when one feels that he or she is gaining weight. In fact one should always try to prevent it than curing it. With the advancement of medical science, treating obesity is not an arduous task any more. Dieticians suggest that apart from treating obesity with conventional formulas like dieting and exercising, a proper diet pill can be far too effective in preventing obesity.

Working on various medicines for preventing obesity, finally it seems that an effective obesity preventing as well as treating drug is successfully found. The name of this new entrant drug is Rimonabant. Of late, its results are found to be very promising as well as productive. Its users are claiming it to be a wonder drug for handling obesity.

Within a very short span of time, it is successful in creating a name of its own. Seeing its popularity, scientists believe that it is going to take obesity market by surprise. Its multifunctional character will be the reason behind its success. Clinical trials have claimed that, apart from tackling obesity, Rimonabant can also help people quit smoking and increase the levels of HDL i.e. good cholesterol by reducing the triglycerides i.e. bad cholesterol and develop body’s ability to control blood sugar. These functions will invariably lower the risks of chronic heart diseases as well as diabetes.

Rimonabant works by blocking the cellular receptor CB1 found in the fat cells and the brain which are responsible for food consumption and nicotine addiction. These receptors secretes an enzyme called cannabinoid which is found to be responsible for increasing our hunger pangs as well as nicotine hankering. Rimonabant actually works on these receptors by decreasing the over activity of this enzyme, making hunger and smoking manageable

Though proving to be very effective, it is suggested not to consume Rimonabant without a doctor’s advice and is really restricted to double the dose for it may lead to serious consequences. Though the side affects of Rimonabant is fewer as compared to its counterparts but its use can cause some familiar side affects like sweating, nausea and dizziness. But it tends to resolve within 2-3 hrs to 2-3 days. However, consulting a physician is necessary.

Though a common problem, obesity can lead to extremely serious health problems including heart diseases, diabetes and arthritis. So in order to skip such problems, it’s better to think to prevent it than curing it latter.

About the Author:
Jack White is an associated editor to AcompliaRimonabant. He is a contributing author and provides information on General Health related issues. For more details related to Acomplia Rimonabant, Xenical, Reductil, Lipograsil, Slim 24, Turbo Slim Men visit http://www.acompliarimonabant.co.uk/www.acompliarimonabant.co.uk
Article Source: ArticleToGo.com