Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm On The Jesus Diet

Drawing on the inspiration of loaves, fish, and wine, a doctor from Florida has published a self-help manual called What would Jesus Eat?. After the launch of this unique book, Jesus officially joined the US fight against fat. Eating is a lifestyle; a day-to-day routine that should sustain a healthy emotional and mental attitude and pump us with continuous energy. Ok, enough talk, are you ready for my secrets.

What would Jesus Eat?

Jesus ate a Mediterranean style cooking that hasn't changed much in the past 2000 years. We know that Jesus ate a lot of fruit, a lot of fish, a lot of whole grains, and that he liked vegetables and olive oil. And lets not forget, every healthy Mediterranean meal is topped off with a wine of your choice. Wine is a valuable part of a healthy diet.

Whole-grains are the best form of carbohydrates and pack a powerful energy booster. Next time your at the grocery, look for pasta, pancakes, and bread that are made up of whole grains.

Feeling sluggish during the day?

Are eating habits make a large contribution to our energy levels. A balanced combination of carbohydrates, protein, and fat eaten at regular intervals will help keep your energy level high. On the other hand, not drinking enough liquids will cause you to feel fatigued and fried and fatty foods can make you feel sluggish. Cookies, candy bars, sodas, and fruit drinks will all deplete your energy levels. Because these foods are loaded with simple sugars, they cause a quick energy boost followed by a prompt decline that will often leave you more drained than before. Caffeine also has this same effect.

Foods that make you drowsy

Carbohydrates leave you feeling calm and relaxed. Ever noticed that right after lunch always seems to be the perfect time for a nap. Do avoid this drowsiness effect, pack some protein into your diet, but remember, everything in moderation.

Foods that energize

Get plenty of iron. Many women lack energy because they lack iron in their diet. This can usually be fixed with an iron supplement.

Boost your metabolism by eating once every three to four hours. Have some fruit or carrot sticks handy when you're on the run. Our bodies increase their metabolism each time we eat. We can boost are metabolism with healthy snacks throughout the day.

Go all natural. Eating only whole, natural foods helps to maximize energy levels. Try to limit processed foods as much as possible.

Exercise. This is the number one metabolism booster. If you can do a quick walk during your lunchtime, this is sure to keep you running on high for the afternoon.

About the Author:
Alli Ross
GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - - Where you can explore thousands of unique and unusual baby names . Read articles on parenting, family, home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Acomplia Diet Pill: A Perfect Way to Cut Your Fat

Today, there is large number of diet pills manufacturers competing with each other and claiming them to be the best. Acomplia diet pill is all set here to revolutionize the whole weight loss drug market. Due to its several advantages, this diet pill has become very popular among other new weight loss pills.

Acomplia diet pill is basically an anorectic oral prescription. The active ingredient present in it is rimonabant which helps people in decreasing unnecessary fat from body. Diet pill Acomplia works by targeting the CB-1 receptors, which regulates one's appetite, and nicotine intake. These receptors are overactive among the obese people. Blocking of these receptors, results in the curbing of appetite, and one tends to eat less than his normal appetite.

Thus, Acomplia works by blocking a kind of receptor that regulates food intake and tobacco dependency. This pill doesn't control appetite merely, but also regulates nicotine's intake. Thus, it has dual advantage of controlling fat as well as controlling people's appetite to smoke. Such features of this pill make it unmatched among all other new and traditional diet pills.

Acomplia diet pill are prescription medicine, and it should only be taken after doctor's advice. It needs to be taken each day before breakfast or as prescribed by Doctor. Doctors usually prescribe 20mg dosage of Acomplia. Do not take double dose of the medication; it can lead to hazardous consequences. This drug may cause some side effects, such as, dizziness, nausea, irritability, depression and restlessness, etc.

Acomplia diet pill is appearing to be a boon to all obese people seeking an effective way to get rid of their fat. The best way to avail this pill is through online. There are several online agents who guarantee one to cater this pill to one's doorstep. Acomplia diet pill, with all its advantages has been becoming synonymous to a perfect way to cure obesity.

About the Author:
Clarence Carter received training as a healthcare scientist. She has been working in the same field and writes informative articles, weight loss being her pet subject. To find Acomplia ,Xenical(Orlistat), Acomplia diet pill , Phentermine, Childhood obesity,Reductil, Xenical online visit
Added: 18 Aug 2006
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Psychology Of Diet Preparation

We decide to lose weight because of any number of reasons: we don’t like the way we look, our clothes don’t fit, our health is in danger, our significant other is wandering, our job is at risk, or our kids are embarrassed. We tend to think of weight loss as something that involves only our body; surely no one ever decided to lose weight because of a fat brain or a bloated mind.

Yet “we decide” is a mental function. When and why we make such a decision depends on our mind, not our body. We may make the decision when we are five pounds heavier than we would like, or after passing the two hundred pound mark and entering true medical obesity. The actual size of the body does not trigger the decision to lose weight, such a choice in made in the brain.

Since the start (and the continuation) of a diet program is a mental process, it would seem to be worthwhile to explore what factors might trigger such a decision.

1. Self-Image.

Each of us has a dual image: the face we turn to the world and our internal idea of how we appear. Although we dress and groom ourselves in an effort to be seen as attractive by others, we are far less influenced by others than by our satisfaction, or dissatisfaction, with ourselves.

Explore this concept by observing yourself and others over the course of the next week. You will notice that you often receive compliments on clothes you wear that, to you, don’t feel “quite right.” Wear a favorite outfit that fits perfectly, that you think looks outstanding, and that makes you feel especially dashing – and no one notices! The same phenomenon occurs with a hairstyle. One morning, rushed for time, you can’t get your hair to do anything so you angrily pull it back with clips and hope that no one important sees you looking so awful. Voila! Three people comment that they like what you’ve done with your hair.

There is the same disconnect when it comes to our weight. If we look good in our mind’s eye, we don’t feel fat, even if friends and coworkers are whispering about our steady weight gain. However, if we see ourselves as overweight, no amount of reassurance from those around us is going to make us feel less fat. Carried to the extreme, this mental picture of our body size can lead to the eating disorder anorexia nervosa in which painfully thin individuals continue to dangerously restrict their caloric intake because they consistently see themselves as too heavy.

We decide to go on a diet, therefore, in response to our internal self-image. Some of the benefits we envision that go along with being slim and fit do take others into account: I will be more attractive to the opposite sex; I’ll be noticed at work when it’s time for a promotion; my family and friends will be jealous and will have to re-evaluate me as a stronger person than they had thought. But the real payoff for getting in shape is what it does for us personally. It is the desire to feel great about ourselves that carries us through the pain and monotony of diet and exercise. It is the future vision of ourselves in our mind that spurs us toward our goal. Losing that vision, or concluding that we won’t feel that much better about ourselves, are the reasons we give up and fall back into the relative comfort of settling for just “okay.”

2. Body versus Mind dominance.

We all wage a lifelong internal battle between our body and our mind. Each is dominant at different stages of development. As infants, we are little more than a collection of sensations. We explore the exciting new world around us through touching everything within reach, tasting everything we can put into our mouths, watching the movements of everything around us, and listening to all the sounds we hear until we eventually learn to imitate them.

As we move into our early school years, we start to concentrate on our minds. We voraciously devour immense amounts of information. We learn to read and our world expands its boundaries by a thousand percent. We learn to use the Internet and a limitless universe is at our fingertips.

Then we move into puberty and, overnight, our appearance becomes the dominating factor in our everyday lives. We navigate the pitfalls and pleasures of adolescence where popularity and being cool are so much more vital than mere learning or mental development. We spend an inordinate amount of time on our bodies. We try new clothes, new hairstyles, and new makeup. We have body parts pierced and undergo the pain of a tattoo because it will make us stand out. We primp, and groom, and force ourselves into the styles our peers have judged as “in.”

As we mature, we seek to balance our mental and physical selves. While our bodies reign supreme in the attract-a-mate environment, we need to exercise our minds to advance our careers and to develop deep relationships that move far beyond mere physical attraction.

It is when we settle down, and start to build the good life we want, that our efforts and energies turn towards things outside ourselves: children, significant others, friends, family, and work pursuits. We have so much happening around us and so much to do that we lose touch with both our bodies and our minds. We slip into our own comfort zone where so many of our needs are fulfilled by food. It eases our anxiety, relieves our frequent frustrations, and makes periodic bouts of the blues bearable. It oils our social interactions. It becomes a vital cog in how we demonstrate affection for those we love. We continue to see ourselves as we have always been and ignore the love handles and pockets of fat that attach themselves to parts of our body we resolutely ignore. Our bodies, and our internal image of our bodies, become more and more discordant.

3. Our sense of self-efficacy.

Self-efficacy is a term used in psychology to describe an individual’s belief that any action they take will have an effect on the outcome. It is not self-confidence, nor a belief that one is competent to do something, although it may involve both. It reflects our inner expectation that what we do will effect the results we want.

If I lack this belief, then I fear that whatever I do will not bring about my desired goal. Bordering on helplessness, it leads to self-defeating thoughts:

“No matter how carefully I diet, I don’t lose weight . . .” “I could work out every day but I’ll never get rid of these thunder thighs . . .” “I try to eat healthier foods but my hips just keep on spreading . . .” “No matter what techniques I try, nothing is going to keep the wrinkles away . . .”

If I have a strong sense of self-efficacy, my belief system and thought patterns will sound like:

“All I have to do is get motivated and I can whip my body into shape in a few weeks . . .” “I just need to pick a date to start my diet and I’ll be on my way . . .” “I may have neglected myself for a while but some hard work will bring me back . . .”

Whether or not we start a diet, decide to get in shape, or start taking better care of ourselves is, ultimately, a personal decision which may, or may not, be made as we have planned. The difference lies in the expectation of success and it is always easier to set out on a journey we anticipate will be successful than it is to drag ourselves toward a goal where failure is the most likely outcome.

How can we combine these concepts to work for us in our desire to become slim, fit, and attractive?

We begin by examining our self-image and how we appear to others. Merely asking others “Do you think I’m getting too heavy?” doesn’t work unless you have a brutally honest friend or you ask someone who dislikes you. Most of us are culturally trained to spare others’ feelings so responses to such a question are more likely to be polite than true.

Concentrating on specifics can produce better feedback. Tell everyone that you’re completing a survey for a class you’re taking. Hand out a brief one page questionnaire requiring that each friend or coworker list three adjectives to describe different aspects of your physical appearance. Complete one of the sheets yourself. Make sure that the answers are anonymous by requesting that no names be used and having someone else collect the completed sheets.

Once you have the responses back, compare them to your own answers and see where the descriptions diverge. You may find yourself becoming a little defensive: “My hips aren’t that big . . . my clothes do too make me look slim.” This isn’t an exercise to make you feel bad about yourself nor for you to gloat over the unexpected complimentary remarks you received. It is an organized effort to help you identify where your self-image and your image-in-the-world move apart. Those areas of divergence are a place to start in the effort to make the two images overlap.

Once the areas where work is needed have been identified, it is time to call on the immeasurable strength of our wonderful mind to start imposing the structure and organization we are going to need to effect the desired changes. Our mind can only get us where we want to go if it is supported by a belief in our ability to bring about a successful conclusion. Now is the time to dismiss any expectations of failure. There may have been many unsuccessful dieting and fitness attempts in the past. Leave them in the past. We are not somehow doomed to continue unproductive behaviors forever. We possess that jewel of evolution, the human mind, which is capable of just about anything. If we set our mind to any task, it will accomplish it, if our doubts and misgivings don’t get in its way.

We build up our positive expectations by exploring our memories to pile up a long list of prior successes. There may be major benchmarks such as bringing about a promotion we wanted, orchestrating a fantastic event, or working ourselves into an intensely satisfying relationship. However, the small personal triumphs count the most but are usually quickly forgotten or discounted as unimportant.

Studying hard and obtaining a good grade in a difficult class clearly demonstrates your ability to bring about the results you want. Go for quantity: the day you smiled at someone across a smoky room and ended up with a brief but lovely affair; the report you brought in on time which no one expected; the night you mastered a spin on ice skates. Keep going: making the drill team, shooting a stolen basket, making your own prom dress, dying your hair a wonderful color in your own bathroom, catching a fly ball, figuring out new software on your computer, burning your first CD. The list can be endless and will be, as you keep remembering snippets of the past that you had long buried under more important things.

Keep this list close by and read it regularly. It is your personal self-efficacy pep squad.

You now know the areas you are going to work on and are developing a belief in the effectiveness of your own efforts. Now you need to identify the internal rewards that successful weight loss will bring. Feeling good about yourself, enjoying stepping on a scale, and easily zipping up your clothes are easy starters. Unselfconsciously walking to the pool in a brief suit is a reinforcement to dream about. Making a sales presentation with the confidence that you are looking your absolute best is an image to relish as you fall asleep. Seeing someone you love watch you admiringly, or seeing your competitive coworker jealous, underscores your resolve and keeps you going through the discomfort of dieting and the demands of boring exercise routines.

You know where you’re going, you know what it’s going to take, and you know you’re going to be successful. Your mind is fully prepared, simply awaiting your day of decision. You’ll make that decision whenever you choose because you are now in control.

About the Author:
Dr. Virginia Bola is a psychologist and an admitted diet fanatic, specializing in therapeutic reframing and the effects of attitudes and motivation on individual goals. Visit her at:
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Monday, November 27, 2006

Steps To a Trimmer You

Want to lose 35 pounds a year without changing a thing about your diet? All it takes is 10,000 steps. No, that's not a typo. Just 10,000 steps a day can burn enough calories to take off 35 pounds in a year.

I first heard about the 10,000 steps when I took a vacation with my mother last summer. As we left the house that morning for a day of sight-seeing with my two boys, she clipped a pedometer to her belt. Periodically throughout the day, she checked it, and as I settled to relax on a park bench toward the end of the day she remarked, "I'm just going to walk around the park twice. I only have 500 more steps to go."

The secret is walking. By walking 10,000 steps a day, you can burn as many calories as you do when you do any of the following:

- Swim for 90 minutes

- Ride a bike for 70 minutes

- Play 10 holes of golf (without the cart)

- Walk 50 blocks

- Play soccer for 90 minutes

- Work for two hours in your garden

How do you fit in 10,000 steps? You can count every step you take during the day - my mother clips on her pedometer first thing in the morning and takes it off last thing at night. Add in extra steps to your day with any of the following suggestions:

- Park at the far end of the lot at the mall and walk to the stores.

- Leave your car at home and walk to work. Or park three blocks further away in the morning and walk the rest of the way.

- Walk the dog! He'll love you for it.

- Walk up and down the stairs instead of taking the elevator.

- Get up and get it yourself. Instead of asking one of your kids to fetch something for you, take a little walk. You'll be surprised how much those little trips add up.

- Go sightseeing. You'll surprise yourself by freshening up your perspective on your home town at the same time.

- Walk to the store. If you're just running out to pick up milk, leave the car at home and take a walk.

- Stuck on the phone? Walk and talk at the same time. You can easily do 2000 steps during a 15 minute phone call.

Don't worry about your speed - the idea is to get moving. In fact, doctors say, if you're puffing too hard to say hi to a friend, you're walking too hard. Slow down a little. At the ideal pace you should be able to carry on a conversation, but not belt out a song.

10,000 steps may seem a little daunting at first, but just keep in mind that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lace up those walking shoes, and let's go!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Green Tea as a healthy Diet

Green Tea Diet

Obesity has become one of the major health issues in our society today. More than half of the American population is overweight or obese. As a result, diet and weight loss plans have become increasingly popular. But not all diet plans work. And not all of them are necessarily risk-free. A safer alternative for people wanting to lose weight are green tea diets.

About Green Tea

For thousands of years, green tea diet has been highly valued by the Chinese as an herbal and medicinal drink. It was believed that green tea diet was first discovered by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung who was boiling water when the leaves of a nearby tree fell into his pot. The result was the first ever pot of green tea.

Like all three of the major Asian teas in the market, green tea comes from the plant called Carmellia sinensis. Much of the health benefits of green tea diets owe to the steaming method of making it. As opposed to black and oolong tea which undergoes full oxidization, green tea diet is only gently steamed, preserving the natural antioxidants in its original form.

The Health Benefits of Green Tea Diet

There are many health benefits associated with having a green tea diet. One of these green tea diet benefits is preventing cancer. Certain substances present in green tea diets are said to help in destroying cancer cells without harming any neighboring tissues. This substance in green tea diets is called epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG.

EGCG in green tea diets is also helpful in increasing the 24-hour energy expenditure of the body. A study on green tea diets conducted by American and Swiss scientists in the University of Geneva showed an additional increase of four percent in the body’s natural energy expenditure. People who were on a green tea diet were more likely to use up more fats than those not on a green tea diet.

Also, green tea diets are said to greatly help in lowering down cholesterol levels in humans. The study on green tea diets was conducted in China using 240 people with high cholesterol levels as subjects. These people were placed on a green tea diet of one capsule (equivalent to seven cups of green tea) or were given one placebo every day. After twelve weeks, those who were on a green tea diet dropped sixteen percent in their cholesterol levels.

Green tea diets can also be a potential cure to obesity. The catechin polyphenols present in green tea diets can delay the reaction of gastric and pancreatic lipases in the body. These enzymes are responsible for converting calories in the body into fats. By delaying these enzymes, green tea diets can therefore stop fat from being stored and prevent obesity in people.

Green tea diets contain substantial amount of caffeine that make it a mild appetite-suppressant. However, caffeine content in green tea diets is not as high as those found in other caffeine-based beverages, like coffee. Caffeine may be harmful for the body since an excess of it can cause heart palpitations, hypertension, and insomnia. Because green tea diets contain only very low levels of caffeine, there is no danger of experiencing these side-effects.

About the Author:
For Healthy Recipe and dieting Pure Food .Please visit .We believe in Quality.Quality does matters.
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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Salt: The Diet Killer

We love salt because it brings out the flavor in food. Unfortunately, we have acquired quite a taste for excessive amounts!

Many of us shake salt liberally onto our food each day. Worse yet, chips, fries, most restaurant meals and pre-packaged foods already contain very high amounts of salt. With this onslaught, it’s no wonder most of us go way over the recommended maximum salt intake of about 1,500 mg per day for an adult. Try reading some nutritional labels to see what the salt content per serving is in many common packaged foods, and prepare to be shocked. So what’s the problem? Why is excessive salt intake something to be concerned about? The answer is that it’s not good for your health and it’s not good for another thing a lot of us are trying to do … lose weight!

Let’s start with your health. The negative consequences stem from the fact that our bodies require a pretty exact concentration of salt, known by its chemical name of sodium. There are sensitive regulating mechanisms that will work hard to keep the concentration of sodium in the bloodstream just right. Whenever too much sodium enters the bloodstream, the body’s first response is to hold on to as much water as possible so the concentration of sodium in the blood can be diluted to the proper level.

Unfortunately, when the volume of fluid in the bloodstream is increased, blood pressure is raised, so chronic intake of excess sodium and the fluid retention that accompanies it places excess demands on the heart and kidneys. In fact, many doctors treat patients with heart and kidney problems by prescribing a low sodium diet, along with blood pressure medications that function by releasing excess water from the body. As mentioned, salt can also definitely affect our weight loss efforts. Consider that after a salty meal or snack it's natural to feel thirsty and drink more water. By drinking fluid, the concentration of sodium in the bloodstream can be diluted to the proper level. In the meantime, however, the body keeps holding onto as much water as possible.

This is important to understand when you go to step on the scale. The reason is that one gallon of water equals 128 ounces, which is exactly eight pounds! If just 16 ounces of excess water is retained after eating too much salt, which is entirely possible, the scale is likely to register a gain of one pound, no matter how well you followed your eating and exercise plan the previous day! That could be quite discouraging, if you didn’t understand the cause of this temporary weight gain.

If you are an essentially healthy individual, with no blood pressure or kidney problems, there is a simple tactic to get rid of the excess retained water weight following a salty meal. It sounds weird, but the answer is to drink an extra large amount of water. Your healthy kidneys can then flush out the excess sodium, making this temporary weight gain short-lived. It doesn’t sound like it should make sense to drink more water to lose excess water weight, but it works!

Here’s some advice to cut down on your intake of salty foods and the associated health and weight loss consequences. Try to eat more foods in their fresh and healthy whole-foods form. Put down that salt shaker, both while you are cooking, and at the table! Practice cooking healthy foods at home using herbs, fruit juices, salsas, peppers and spices to jazz up the flavor. After awhile you will come to enjoy the wonderful taste of foods in their natural state … without so much salt.

About the Author:
Patricia S. Church RN, BSN, author of The Tortoise Diet invites you to learn more about how she lost 120 pounds. Visit her site at
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Friday, November 24, 2006

Diet Slipups And Backsliding: The Beginning Of The End?

You’ve gone and done it: after a good period of doing well with your food, you gave into temptation, and before you knew it, one bite became many.

And you feel bad about it, though maybe not 100% remorseful. A mixture of :

- “I’ve ruined it”
- ”I knew it would happen”
- “All this effort down the drain”
- “What do you expect, I can’t follow these restrictions for ever”
- “I deserve a treat with all I have to cope with”
- “It’s too hard, I can’t live this way; I’ll never do it”
- “Life isn’t fair; thin people are so lucky”

Nice cocktail of disappointment, resentment, anger, fear, and hopelessness. Is it any wonder that one slipup most often leads to another? We often overeat to soothe our uncomfortable feelings, and there’s plenty to choose from right then.

Along with another one I haven’t mentioned yet: fear of deprivation. It was glorious to taste that food that was off limits. Well, the first few bites were. After a while, we really didn’t enjoy it as much, but we couldn’t and didn’t stop.

I know I’ve often said: “I’ve blown it now, I may as well indulge in more of what I crave and get it out of my system. Then starting tomorrow, I’ll be better able to never touch it again.” Surprise, surprise, tomorrow usually didn’t go as planned.

Now what?

Some people feel that they are like food addicts and that, like a drunk, they must get back on the wagon and stick to their food plan. Overeating is never just a little indulgence, but always the beginning of a deep slide.

For some others, the cause of the slips is often the feeling or fear of deprivation, and strict food rules just set them up for eventual failure.

Some fortunate people say that an occasional fling with chocolate satisfies them for a long while, and is a normal part of their pattern. They are usually the thin ones, at peace with their indulgence.

And that’s the key.

Peace. Whether your slips are rebellion against deprivation or you are the kind of person that needs to follow strict guidelines to fight your food addiction, preventing the acceleration of the backsliding and its recurrence, lies in defusing the tension around the slip.
Tension that comes from feelings such as the:

- fear of doing it again
- fear of being without your favorite comfort foods
- discouragement of ever getting thin
- resentment about having to deprive yourself
- anger about your weakness
- anger toward the societal standard that good looks require thinness, while it offers an ever increasing array of fattening foods.

Then you won’t have the anxiety that wants to be soothed with eating.

How do you get rid of tension?

We each have our own ways, but the first step is common to them all: awareness. We must pause and realize what we are feeling before it’s too late and the runaway train can’t be stopped.

Then we can:

- talk to friends
- talk to professionals
- connect with our spiritual practice
- exercise
- nurture ourselves through massages, baths, and the like
- meditate

That last one may be hard to do when you’re already under tension. For me, I found the following worked better and were an essential part of solving the weight loss puzzle:

- Emotional acupressure (such as EFT)
- Releasing (such as the Sedona Method)
- HeartMath

The magic is not in choosing the perfect method(s), but in making them a regular practice. Because it’s not when a fire is raging, that you want to learn how to use the fire extinguisher.

About the Author:
Helene Desruisseaux is a success trainer and co-founder of MakingPeaceWithFood a weight loss program designed to eliminate food cravings. Get from their website a free report on "The top 5 mistakes people make when they try to lose weight."
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Thursday, November 23, 2006

It’s Never Too Late To Make Your Diet Resolution

Many people make their New Year’s resolution to lose weight. While they start out with good intentions, far too often the weekly drudge of sticking to a diet can wear thin quite quickly and before they know it their good diet intentions have fallen away. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to stick to your diet resolution without giving up before the excess weight goes away.

One of the most important things you can do to ensure that you stick with your weight loss goals is to write a contract with yourself, promising to stick with the resolution that you have made. If you want to lose a specific amount of weight within a certain amount of time, be sure to include this in the contract along with what you specifically plan to do to lose the weight. Post the contract somewhere you’ll be sure to see it everyday.

Setting goals is an excellent way to make sure that you stay on track with your weight loss plans; however, it is important to ensure that your goals are manageable and not too broad in scope. Due to the fact that dieting can become tiresome very quickly, you may find it helpful to energize your diet with a new goal each week. This gives you something to work on, and even look forward to, each week. Examples of small goals you can set for yourself include starting an exercise routine, cutting out sodas, drinking more water, etc.

Small goals are also a great incentive to work your way up to larger goals, an important component of sticking to your diet plans. Rather than saying you plan to lose weight this year, instead make it a point to commit to losing a specific amount of weight within a definite time frame. This helps to ensure that you do not put off your weight loss plans indefinitely.

As with any major change in your life, it’s generally always easier to accomplish your goals when you have the help and support of friends and family. Make a point to inform those close to you that you are dieting and what you hope to accomplish. In addition, it’s always a good idea to let them know exactly what you’re doing to lose weight so they do not unintentionally sabotage your diet plans. The presence of a weight loss buddy who can keep you on track and motivated will significantly decrease the chances that you’ll give up before accomplishing your goals.

Most people function well under a rewards system and losing weight is no different, provided that you ensure your rewards support your diet and do not undermine them. While you may look forward to enjoying an ice cream sundae after reaching a weight loss goal, think of other rewards that you would enjoy and keep your diet intact. Consider rewarding yourself for every milestone you reach, such as every five pounds lost. Positive reward examples include a manicure, massage, new book/CD/DVD, new shirt, etc. Significant weight loss goals, such as 25 pounds or 50 pounds, could warrant a larger reward such as a weekend trip or something else meaningful.

About the Author:
Joey Dweck is the Founder & CEO of a website committed to 24/7 support, expert advice, and helping people find a buddy(s) who will support their effort to lose weight, and live a healthier lifestyle. And it's all Free. Sign up for the Free 4-Part E-Course “Losing For Good”
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Losing Those Last Five Pounds

My mother told me a little story the other night. When she first started working in sales, she said, her goal was to 'write a string of pearls' - in her parlance, five weeks in a row of 100 sales or more. Her first two weeks would be great - but that third week was always a killer. Four times in a row she got those two weeks, only to fail on the third week. Every morning she woke up and told herself, "I can write a hundred sales this week." And in the back of her mind, she'd add, "I can never get that third week."

On Thursday of that third week, she was struggling and determined, even though she'd only made 22 sales so far that week. She woke up and told herself, "I can write a hundred this week" - and for the first time, she actually heard what she was saying to herself in the back of her mind. "But I Can Never Get That Third Week". Realizing how she'd been undermining her own attempts at positive mental attitude, she resolved to overcome it. She went out that day and made over 50 sales - and the rest of the week fell into place. Not only that, she went on to write a string of pearls that set a record in her company that has yet to be broken.

What was her secret? And what does it have to do with losing weight? Simply put, your biggest enemy in your quest to lose weight is your own self-doubt and negative thinking. Positive affirmations are a powerful psychological tool that can help you lose weight - but it's just as important to catch your negative thinking and turn it around.

How many times have you caught yourself thinking, "I can never lose those last five pounds."? No matter how positive you believe you're being, no matter how often you congratulate yourself for the great job you're doing, those lingering doubts are sabotaging you.

Overcoming them isn't a magic bullet that will make it all happen -- but at least you won't be fighting your own inner voices when you face those last five pounds - or that piece of cheesecake.

How did my mother do it? She used a sneaky little trick that might be just what you need to get you past those last five pounds. She decided that since she could never get that third week, she'd stop thinking of this as 'that third week'. Instead, she'd just focus on selling what she could today. Setting a new goal for herself relieved her of the pressure and negativity that had been holding her back.

Setting yourself a new goal can freshen your perspective and wipe away all the 'failures' that seem to be holding you back. Forget the 'last five pounds'. From this morning on, think of it as 'only five pounds'. When you only have to lose five pounds, how can you miss?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Review Of The Idiot Proof Diet- Lose Up To 9 Lbs In 11 Days

The Idiot Proof Diet, created by Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is one of the most unique approaches you'll find online to use the power of food to melt fat and improve your health and well-being.

And it's extremely easy to learn and follow...

The diet works over 2 weeks- a 11 day cycle followed by a 3 day period where you eat whatever you want. It uses a method called calorie shifting to force your body to melt fat.

And the author of the diet claims you can lose up to 9 pounds every 11 days...

The theory is that if you keep adjusting the calories you eat over this 11 day period, your body never has the chance to adjust your metabolism to a set rate...and, as a result, you lose body fat.

This best-selling diet is comprised of two parts:

1. An e-book that guides you through 10 rules that the Idiot Poof Diet is based on.

For example, here's 5:

- You eat 4 meals per day, each separated by 2.5 hours
- You have to use a specific rotation of carb and protein rich meals
- Drink water
- Avoid sweets and excessive condiments
- Exercise

2. An online menu generator that spits out the exact foods you'll eat over the 11 day cycle. Before doing this however, it asks you what foods you like and don't like...this way, the menu it generates for you contains food you'll enjoy.

Is this e-book worth purchasing?

I give it two thumbs up because it's a very unique approach to healthy eating AND it's easy to follow. I've always believed that good nutrition is your best approach to losing weight and improving your health- and this diet proves it.

For more detailed information on the Idiot Proof Diet, please visit the following website:

About the Author:
Ryan Cote
For more detailed information on the Idiot Proof Diet, please visit the following website:
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Monday, November 20, 2006

Food Companies Fail To Tackle Diet Crisis

The bigger you are the better you are - well not in this case. The world's 25 biggest food companies are failing to take the global crisis in diet seriously and often only change their practices when faced with adverse publicity that could damage their sales, a new study claims.

From Wal-Mart to McDonald's to Coca-Cola to Cadbury, the world leaders of the food industry are accused of a "pathetic" performance on meeting targets set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2004 to take basic action to improve diet that will in turn tackle obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

The study judged each company on responsible marketing, in particular to children; reductions in fat, sugar and salt; portion size; and developing healthier new products. Just four of 25 said they were taking action to reduce the total fat content of their products. Only five said they were cutting sugar and 10 said they were reducing salt.

The comprehensive review of the policies and practices of the companies, including four British conglomerates, found that their global reach meant they were largely unaccountable for how they addressed the epidemic of diet-related disease. Researchers at City University in London said the only factor which seemed to produce action on issues such as salt and fat content was public discontent.

If the best way to get companies to take health seriously is to have critics give them a wake up call, do these companies care? Many don’t even have the correct policies in place to deal with the crisis.

This lack of commitment to health paints a poor overall picture. Diseases such as cancer, heart disease and obesity currently account for 60 per cent of global deaths- that figure is predicted to rise to 73 per cent by 2020. Does this epidemic have to rise to this level before these corporations accept some kind of accountability?

About the Author:
Chester Ku-Lea is a health nutrition consultant and is the owner of AstroNutrition - a provider of premium health nutrition and sports supplements. Check out our Health and Fitness Blog!
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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tips For Safe Weight Loss

Many people want to trim down so they can look better and feel better. Carrying extra weight can be very unhealthy and it can lead to numerous health complications.

When a person is facing the prospect of having to lose weight they can feel overwhelmed. The gravity of the road ahead can be a lot to absorb and they turn to a quick fix for the problem.

There are many fad diets in existence that claim that they result in fast weight loss. In most cases their claim is true, in a sense. Most of these types of quick fix diets offer the person the chance to shed a high number of pounds the first week they are on the diet. This dramatic weight loss is almost always the result of the body losing water weight.

It might feel great to look down at the scale and see a huge weight loss, but in reality that weight loss could be gained back very quickly if the person reverted back to their normal diet.

There are steps you can take that will guarantee that you have a successful and safe weight loss. Losing weight can be done in a way that is effective long term and at the same time gives you results week after week.

One of the most important aspects in any weight loss plan is exercise. When a person decides they want to lose weight quite often their focus is completely on their diets. They worry over how many calories they are consuming each day and how many of those calories come from fat or carbohydrates.

Diet is an essential ingredient in weight loss, but with a regular exercise regime the weight loss will be more effective and quicker.

When a person exercises it helps to raise their metabolism. This is essential in weight loss. With a higher metabolism, the body can burn more calories and the weight begins to come off.

On the other hand, if a person just restricts calorie consumption the weight loss is much slower. The body views this as a sign of starvation and the metabolism slows instead of speeds up.

Exercise for a weight loss plan doesn’t need to be strenuous. A brisk walk each day is sufficient to aiding in weight loss. Many people incorporate a morning or evening walk into their daily routine.

Another key to safe weight loss is not to take supplements. There are many dietary supplements available over the counter that claim fast and effective weight loss. These types of supplements can be very expensive and depending on your medical history they can be dangerous as well.

If you are serious about beginning a weight loss plan it’s advisable to contact your doctor first. He or she will be able to suggest the best course for you to take including your daily calorie and exercise needs. The doctor can also chart your weight loss progress and help you if you reach a plateau.

Weight loss can help you to feel not only healthier but more attractive as well. With a safe weight loss you’ll find renewed energy and a wonderful feeling of self confidence and accomplishment. Weight loss isn’t an easy thing but when you do it, you’ll never be more proud of yourself.

About the Author:
Joel Noah
Weight Loss Resources and Information around it
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Friday, November 17, 2006

Weight Loss is highly recommended

Nowadays, a lot of us have gained too much weight and we seem to neglect this until we suddenly realize that the situation has gone out of control. While we live such high profile lives and are in touch with the latest technology, one often wonders why we neglect our own selves so much considering that we need to keep most fit to deal with this fast pace of living!

So now that we have this realisation to live with, what all can we do to rectify the damage? Believe me, there are myriad solutions. For one, you must assess the damage truthfully and have the courage and determination to resolve the problem. Study the reasons for putting on this much weight and remove them, one by one.

The next stage would be to then do a research on the exercises available to you. Walking, cycling, jogging and swimming are very good ways to reduce weight provided they are done regularly and with the consent of a Doctor. Meditation and Yoga are very good relaxants and help to remove stress. Sleep patterns also must be made more regular so that you get a good night’s sleep daily.

There are also Fitness Centres, Gymnasiums and Aerobics that you can join. But you must see a Doctor before you start any kind of Diet or exercise routine. The Doctor must check you up and decide the diet, behaviour and exercise therapy that would suit your health. He may even suggest Didrex, the Weight Loss Pill.

Didrex is the most popular Weight Loss Diet Pill in the US. It is used in combination with diet, exercise and behaviour therapy. This is an appetite suppressant which helps to control your appetite and is best used for a short term as a quick and effective method to lose weight. You can easily buy Didrex, even from Didrex online.
However, it is important to remember that this Diet Pill can only be taken once your Doctor has checked you and this has been recommended for you. There can be certain side effects which you must understand before you begin the Diet Pill.
After this medication it is essential to keep up the good work and exercise regularly so that the weight remains constant. Also you must add to this schedule, 10-12 glasses of water/liquids and 6-8 hours of restful sleep. Both these are necessary for you to relax, remove toxins and stress.

So chill out and breathe deeply, there is always a solution to every problem, the only thing to do is to follow the Doctor like your Guru and never try any medication or exercise without his consent and magic will happen!

About the Author:
“Kim Parker” is an associate editor to the website It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss, diet pills, obesity and didrex. We also provide articles on health related topics.
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Start Losing Weight Today!

I'll start my diet on Monday. How many times have you told yourself that? Right after New Years', I swear. Tomorrow. Are you tired of hearing yourself say the same old excuses day after day, month after month, year after year? If so, listen up! Here are five things you can do to start losing weight today!


The most important ingredient in your weight loss plan is exercise. If you think that's a dirty word, it's time to clean it up. Exercise is just what you do every time you move. Starting today, resolve to activate your life. Leave the car keys behind and walk to the corner store.

Race yourself to get your housework done in ten minutes less time (because the more vigorous your movement, the more calories you burn). Get off the elevator one floor early and walk up the stairs. Every extra active thing you do will burn calories - and the more calories you burn, the more weight you'll lose.

When you're ready to really activate, get a physical workout designed with your interests in mind. Join a gym, take up a sport, or walk 10,000 steps a day. But don't wait until you think you can do it all. Just take a few extra steps today.


Grab a pen and notebook and start writing down all the reasons you should lose weight. Don't stop till you get to ten, at the very least. Here are some suggestions:

1. I’ll be healthier - losing as little as 10 pounds can decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes and a host of other weight-related illnesses.

2. I’ll save money. Super-size costs more - whether it's an extra $2 for the nightgown you want or having to travel first class for the seat space.

3. I’ll be able to keep up with my kids. It takes energy to keep up with kids, and extra weight saps your energy. Lose ten pounds and see how much better you feel.

4. I’ll get back into my favorite jeans.

5. I’ll find souvenir t-shirts that fit anywhere I go.


Got your ten reasons? Don't stop writing. Keep that pen and notebook with you all day and write down every single thing you put into your mouth. Just for one day. You'll be surprised at all the 'unexpected' calories you catch yourself eating. The last two French fries on your son's plate. The two bites of chicken you tasted to make sure of the seasoning. The 'just one bite' of your husband's ice cream cone. The handful of potato chips you snagged from the bowl on your way by. Write down every single bite for one day to make yourself aware of all the food that you didn't even realize you were eating. Once you find it, you can start cutting it out.


Take a trip to the Internet and visit these educational sites:

The American Heart Association

The USDA Food Pyramid

iVillage Diet and Nutrition section

The Diet Channel

The South Beach Diet web site

The Atkins Diet web site

The Mayo Clinic web site's Diet and Nutrition pages

Educate yourself about healthy diets and weight loss, and find a diet that you believe you can live with for the rest of your life. It's the only way that you'll lose weight and keep it off permanently.


If you think that diet food is boring, find a good low-fat cookbook and start re-educating your taste-buds. Healthy, low-fat, low-carb cooking is delicious - prove it to yourself with a recipe for dinner. While you're at it, pick one for tomorrow night, too. You can start your diet AGAIN tomorrow!

About the author:
Kirsten Hawkins is a nutrition and health expert from Nashville, TN. Visit for more great nutrition, well-being, and vitamin tips as well as reviews and comments on popular diets.
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Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Importance of Drinking Enough Water When Dieting

We've all been there: you start a new diet, lose weight for a few weeks; then the weight creeps back on. In desperation you try a different diet and go through the same cycle. It's called the yo-yo effect.

One of the best kept secrets of a successful diet is to drink lots of water - it's a secret because water is free, nobody is going to make a lot of money selling you that idea! Studies show that as many as 75% of the population is seriously dehydrated. When the body is thirsty it sends a message to the brain requesting a drink. Unfortunately, the message is very similar to the signal that asks for food, so most people snack when what their bodies really need is a drink.

A person of average build requires 8 glasses of water each day - each glass should hold 8 oz. If you are overweight you need more: an additional glass for every 25 pounds of excess weight.

It has to be water. Cups of tea or (caffeinated) coffee don't count as both are diuretics and actually rob the body of water. Indeed, for every cup of coffee or tea, or glass of cola you drink you need another cup of water in addition to the 8 glasses!

So what is so great about drinking water?

-If you are not drinking enough water your body will store as much as possible as a defense mechanism. Retained water adds to your weight. If you have a water retention problem, drink more water! It may sound crazy but once the body is trained to expect a regular supply it will store less, leading to a reduction in your weight.
- A study by the University of Washington found that one glass of water before bed prevented night-time hunger pangs in nearly 100% of the participants in the study.
- Water is a natural appetite suppressant and it helps the body to use up stored fat. Insufficient water may cause an increase in fat deposits as the kidneys will not function properly, passing some of their duties to the liver which is then unable to metabolize stored fat into energy.
- Constipation is a symptom of dehydration. Increasing your water intake should cure the problem.
- Migraine-type headaches are often caused by insufficient water.
- Your kidneys remove waste matter such as uric acid, lactic acid, and urea; all of which need to be dissolved in water. Insufficient water intake can lead to kidney damage.

Next time you start a weight management program, make sure you drink enough water; it will increase your chances of success.

About the Author:
Tony Luck runs a website with advice on how best to lose weight.
Added: 18 Aug 2006
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Wonderful Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet.

The Mediterranean Diet is now recognized as one of the healthiest in the world consisting as it does of large amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables, salads,nuts,seeds, omega-3 rich oily fish, olives and olive oil and being comparitively low in dairy products and red meats.

The people of the Mediterranean region, particuarly Greece and Spain, are very fortunate to live in an area where naturally healthy food is readily and cheaply available. The incidence of heart disease and cancer are lower here than anywhere else in the western world and experts now believe this is due in great part to what has become known as the Mediterranean diet.

Modern farming techniques and world wide transport has changed most peoples diets dramatically in the past centuary and it is now widely believed that such changes have had an exteremely detrimental effect on our health. Fortunately the impact of these developments has not had such a catastrophic effect in Mediterranean regions where to a large extent traditional diets are still followed. Of course with the advent of Globalization and MacDonald's! this is sadly changing. However we can all learn alot form what has become known as the Mediterranean diet and by adopting it,vastly improve our health and longevity.

The foods that grow natuarlly and abundantly in that region and have always formed a part of the local diet are as follows:- Olives, avocados, oranges, lemons, garlic, wild asparagus, walnuts, almonds,tomatoes, artichokes, figs, pomegranates, cherries, strawberries, grapes, plums, spinach,broad beans,peppers along with many other of the more common fruits and vegetables. These provide large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fibre along with a wide variety of antioxidants and phytochemicals, the importance of which scientists are only now beginning to recognize as they discover more and more healthful benefits of including these elements in our diet.

Historically alot of the milk was produced from goats and cheese made from goats and ewes milk. Very little red meat is eaten and a large majority of the protein is supplied by oily fish such as sardines, mackerel, tuna, sword fish, boquerones and anchovies.

The main oil used is olive, traditionally cold pressed virgin, and this is used not only for cooking and in salads but also for putting on bread in place of butter.

All these foods provide a wide variety of nutriments which have an astonishing array of claims for improving our health such as lowering cholesterol, improving our immune system which thus not only fights infections but also helps to prevent cancer, increasing our metabolism, improving insulin sensitivity and thus lessening the risk of diabetes. It really has never been so true that you are what you eat. Certainly since moving to Andalucia and adopting the Mediteranean diet myself I have never been so healthy or managed to maintain my ideal weight so easily.

Of coures in addition to all the healthy components of this diet there is the added fact that honey is often used in place of sugar and little refined carbohydrates are eaten.

All in all most experts now agree that the Mediterranean diet is the optimum diet.

About the Author:
Ruth Polak is the owner of A web site specializing in holiday villas and apartments on the Costa del Sol and in Rural Andalucia. It also has lots of information on Spain and Andalucia in particular.
Article Source:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Writing For Weight Loss Success

Weight loss really does begin in your head. Every successful athlete understands that his thinking process is either working for him or against him. The same holds true with weight loss. If your internal dialogue is negative, your results will eventually manifest the same result! You can't degrade yourself to a healthy new you! You must change your thinking to work for you, to build your resolve, and to maintain that all important motivational factor.

Writing is an exercise that will help your mind change its thinking! It allows you to process the negative emotions and helps to instill the positive changes. Start with these simple exercises:

1. The Negative Emotions Daily Dump: Many success coaches advocate writing out your negative thinking on a daily basis. Simply spend approximately 15 minutes writing out all the frustrations, bad feelings, and discouragement. This helps you to process these bad feelings out of your system so that you can make room for positive affirmations. Do not reread the entries and do not keep them. Write it out, and then throw it out.
We call this the Negative Emotions Daily Dump.
2. Affirm Your Goals: Prepare a list of affirmations that will help your subconscious work with your conscious brain to make those all important behavioral changes. Then write your affirmations at least twice a day. Write them once after you have written your Negative Emotions Daily Dump. Don't do the Negative Dump without filling it with the positive affirmations. You should always end with this. Write the second set of affirmations either right before you go to bed or first thing in the morning. Read your affirmations several times a day.
3. Understand your Motivations: In order to stay motivated you must understand your real reasons for losing weight. In other words, understand why YOU want to lose weight. Not why your spouse or friends want you to lose weight but why losing the weight is important to you. Do you really want more energy? Do you just love skinny clothes? Do you want to participate in an activity that would be easier if you were slim and healthy? Write these motivations out in detail so that you can solidify them in your head and they can continue to motivate you through the entire weight loss journey.
4. Accountability: Keep a food diary. Keeping a food diary has been proven time and time again to increase your weight loss success by as much as 50%! A food log is your accountability factor. It keeps you honest with yourself.
5. Visualize: Visualize yourself enjoying the portions of your weight loss program that you are currently struggling to do. For instance if you hate the cardio portion of your day, start seeing yourself loving it. See it as ""your time". It can be your time to read while you're on the stationary bike. Or your time to watch all those movies you feel guilty watching any other time. Once you begin to visualize positive feelings about a certain activity the easier that activity will become.
6. The Pat-On-The-Back: Keep a written log of your weight loss success. By writing down your weight loss on a weekly basis you are validating your efforts and giving yourself a pat-on-the-back. This will go a long way to keeping you on track.

Keep in mind that if you are utilizing the assistance of a personal fitness trainer or weight loss professional that they may use techniques to help you face your self-defeating habits. This might feel harsh and negative, however it isn't. Honesty is necessary to motivate change and this is different than running yourself down! Sometimes we have to hear the hard words to make the hard changes. Keep in mind that these professionals are seeking your ultimate success. Your success is their success. Let's face it, the weight gain started with you and to change that behavior you may have to deal with some uncomfortable feelings. A good trainer will help you feel cared about while still insisting that you deal with your bad habits. It's a good thing to be pushed past your comfort zone to becoming a better you!

Writing is the new "exercise" that can make all the rest of your weight loss efforts including good nutrition, exercise, and resistance training work for you because you will be working with these principles instead of against them. You will start seeing these weight loss techniques as a positive and permanent part of your life, instead of a temporary device. That will result in faster results that last forever!

Dr. Fit, Sidney E. Reeves, CFT is a nationally recognized personal fitness trainer. Dr. Fit has been helping overweight America understand and change their self-defeating habits while learning the important elements of good nutrition, exercise and positive change. He has launched a website to compliment his daily fitness show at where members receive all the tools to lose weight permanently. Join Dr. Fit as your fitness trainer today at

About the Author:
Anne Baugh
Join Dr. Fit as your fitness trainer today at
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Giving Up The Diet

If you're thinking of going on a diet to lose those extra poundsthink again. Long-term weight control through dieting is nearimpossible, for the simple reason is that diets promote only shortterm solutions not long term.

After dieting you’ll certainly look lighter on the scales,but in most cases this is because you've dumped a few poundsof body fluid and muscle, and not because you've lost any significantamounts of body fat.

One of the main reasons diets don't work is because they sendthe body into starvation mode - a survival mechanism fortimes when humans faced periods of famine. Cutting back onour energy intake causes the body to lower its metabolicrate, which reduces its ability to burn fat.

At the same time, hunger signals increase and we quickly startto crave high energy foods loaded with fats and sugars - the exactfoods we are trying to do without!

Alarmingly, research has shown that repeated dieting actuallymakes it harder to lose weight and easier to put it on.

This is because when you dump the diet and return to normaleating habits, the drop in metabolic rate caused by the dietmeans that your old eating habits actually represent an excessin calories. Not only do you regain the fat stores just lost,but you may even gain a bit extra.

"Five more reasons to stop dieting"

· Diets sap energy - Too little food means not enoughenergy for physical activity.

· Diets lower your metabolism - Dieting causes your bodyto conserve energy, making results harder to achieve.

· Diets are unhealthy - A cycle of rapid weight lossfollowed by weight gain can lead to a loss of lean tissuefrom your body and calcium from your bones. It alsostrips the body of essential vitamins and minerals.

· Diets make food the enemy - Food provides nourishmentand comfort. Diets can make you afraid to eat, deprivingyou of one of life's pleasures.

· Diets cheat your confidence - Going from one faileddiet to the next can leave you feeling depressed andcreate a cycle in which guilt battles against food.

Regular physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet aren't asglamorous as the quick fixes, but they do get better results.

Start with one extra exercise session and one less fattytakeaway meal per week, and gradually work towards alifelong plan for achieving your best weight.

If you change the way you eat or exercise to lose weight,ask yourself this question. Can I see myself sticking to thisroutine for life?

If the answer is "no" then its time to change what you're doing.Any healthy weight loss plan should include the following:

· A wide variety of foods.
· Regular and enjoyable exercise.
· Enough filling foods to avoid constant hunger.
· At least 1200 calories a day.
· Flexibility for treat foods and social occasions.
· A realistic goal of your best weight (not necessarily your lowest weight.)


A realistic weight loss is around one to two pounds per week. Fast weight losses are not fat loss but glycogen and water. If you lose weight quickly then you will probablereturn back to the weight at which you started as quickly as it was lost.


· Weight loss is quick and simple.
· Exercise is not necessary.
· Certain exercises can spot reduce.
· Carbohydrates (for example, bread, potatoes, rice,and pasta) are fattening.

So the way to lose body fat and maintain muscle is to have a food program for life and more energy output. Increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, non-fat dairy products, whole grains and beans that you eat.

Eliminate calorie-dense foods such as cookies, sugary desserts, chips, fries, pizza, candies, crackers etc. Research on people who have successfully lost a lot of weight and kept it off long term, shows that the vast majority succeeded by consuming a low fat diet high in fibre coupled with strength training and cardiovascular activity. These are the basics you'll need to aim for.

A sound weight loss-eating plan should:

· Be nutritionally sound, providing all the nutrients you need.
· Never promise fast weight losses.
· Offer an eating plan based on real food.
· Allow you to eat out.
· Avoid expensive meal plans, products and supplements.
· Not avoid carbohydrate foods, e.g. bread, rice, pasta, cereals and potatoes.
· Make gradual dietary changes.
· Provide knowledge.
· Allow you to eat all foods
· Recommend physical activity.

Fat calories are more fattening than carbohydrate calories. Your body can easily convert the fat you eat in food into body fat, so to lose weight you need to cut down on fats and foods that contain it.

Consider the following steps to reduce fat in your diet.

· Use skimmed or skimmed milk in drinks, cooking and on cereals.
· Buy a non - stick frying pan.
· Buy a cheese slicer
· Cut the visible fat from meat.
· Eat very little pastry.
· Learn how to read a food label.
· Substitute low fat yoghurt for cream.
· Remove the skin from chicken and turkey.
· Eat fruit as snacks rather than eating chocolate and biscuits.
· Eat fewer burgers and sausages

About the Author:
Gary Matthews is the author of several ebooks, including "Maximum Weight Loss in Ten Weeks" - the complete ebook and time-saving solution for burning away unwanted fat, and "Maximum Weight Gain in Ten Weeks" - easy-to-use and follow techniques that serve as a guide to muscle growth without having to "live in the gym". Visit Gary’s website at
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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Why Dieting Is Keeping America Fat

There are literally hundreds of diets available to suit everyone's taste: Atkins, Zone, South Beach, low carb, low fat, liquid mixes, vegetarian, all protein. Millions of us are on these different diets. So why are we still fat?

We spend billions of dollars a year on diet pills, medical weight loss programs, gym memberships, and support groups. We read food labels avidly to determine the number of carbs, fats, and calories contained in something we know we'd be better off without. We count up our daily points and salivate at the thought of the desserts we're allowed on our latest regimen.

The key is our relationship with food. There is just so much of it available: fast food outlets clog our streets, television commercials and 24 hour cooking channels whet our appetites, super chefs tempt us to labor long hours in the kitchen to create our own culinary masterpieces. The different diets all have one enormous component in common -they continue this infatuation with food. What can I eat? How many carbs? How many calories? What is allowed? How can it be made to taste as good as possible?

Our behaviors continue, even the self-destructive kind, because we receive some pleasant reward known in psychology as reinforcement. We continue to overeat because of the emotional satisfaction of devouring good tasting food. We will never slim down until we find satisfaction in something other than food. Young lovers forget to eat because they are consumed with other passions. Gamblers neglect meals because the psychological thrill is in their games. Alcoholics and drug addicts almost never eat because their primary relationship is with their drug of choice. Corporate ladder climbers and entrepreneurs are slim because they are so emotionally invested in their careers and business that nothing else matters.

To pare off fat, we have to focus on something other than food. Focus on some aspect of your life: your family, your community, your job, sports, social welfare, sex, school, hobbies, anything important to you, and you will start to regard food as something that has to be consumed to stay alive but also as something that interferes with your life, to be avoided except when absolutely necessary.

Psychologically distance yourself from food and one day the commercials, the endless burgers and fries, and watching people eating in public will seem totally alien as if a parallel world exists with which you have no connection.

It is then that you will be on the way to controlling your weight.

About the Author:
Dr. Virginia Bola is a psychologist and an admitted diet fanatic, specializing in therapeutic reframing and the effects of attitudes and motivation on individual goals. Visit her at:
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Friday, November 10, 2006

Five Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Are you tired of getting the same old advice when it comes to dieting? Are you looking for some quick tips to help motivate yourself during a diet? Why not follow along below to learn about some quick healthy weight loss tips?

Tip # 1: Take off five pounds quickly before a big event!

If you're generally in good shape, but you want to pare off a few

pounds to look your best before a big event like a class reunion, one of the best ways to do it is to cleanse your system. For the week before, skip the breads and pastas, eat lots of raw vegetables and salads, and drink at least eight ounce glasses of water a day. You'll not only end up slimmer, you'll feel 100% more energetic and healthy.

Tip # 2: Lose weight without dieting!

It's a lot easier than you think. The key is exercise. Just one half hour of moderate exercise per day will burn calories - and better yet, kick your metabolism into high gear so that you continue burning calories at a higher rate. Bonuses: you'll be doing your health a favor, too. The latest research shows that adding moderate exercise to your daily routine can help lower cholesterol, slow the progression of type-2 diabetes and improve your circulation. What's moderate exercise? A brisk one mile walk, half an hour of dancing, or chasing the kids around in a game of tag will do it.

Tip # 3: Start your day off right!

Don't skip breakfast when you're dieting, and don't go for the convenience of a 'nutrition bar'. Give your body the pick-me-up of fresh fruit in either juice or raw form, and the staying power of a whole grain. One of the best breakfasts you can have is a bowl of whole-grain cereal with fresh berries, melon or peaches. You get

the sugar your body craves, the carbs it needs to run on, and the added

benefit of antioxidant vitamins to help it stay on track and balanced.

Tip # 4: Take a high quality multivitamin every day.

There's no substitute for a diet that has a healthy balance of all foods, but it's far too easy to skimp on the essentials when you're dieting. Make sure that your body doesn't miss out on the nutrients it needs just because you're cutting calories. A good multivitamin should contain, at a minimum, the minimum recommended daily allowances of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, E and K. While you're at it, get out in the sun for at least ten minutes a day to help your body manufacture the vitamin D that it needs.

Tip # 5: Eat your veggies - especially your lettuce.

But don't confine yourself to iceberg lettuce or to salads. Darker greens have about the same number of calories and carbs, but pack a lot more punch in the vitamins and other nutrient categories. By substituting radicchio, watercress, escarole or spinach for the iceberg lettuce, you add vitamin C, riboflavin’s, manganese and other essential vitamins that aren't present in lettuce. Try them braised, steamed or grilled for something a little different from the usual salad.

Lose weight with no-diet diet

When Steven Hawks is tempted by ice cream bars, M&Ms and toffee covered almonds at the grocery store, he doesn’t pass them by. He files up his shopping cart.

It’s the no-diet diet, an approach the Brigham Young University health science professor used to lose 50 pounds and to keep it off for more than five years. Hawks calls his plans “intuitive eating” and thinks the rest of the country would be better off if the people stopped counting calories, started paying attention to hunger pangs and ate whatever they wanted.

As part of intuitive eating, Hawks surround him self with unhealthy foods he especially craves. He says having an overabundance of what’s taboo helps him lose his desire to gorge.

There is a catch to this no-diet diet, however: Intuitive eaters only eat when they’re hungry and stop when they’re full. That means not eating a box of chocolates when you’re feeling blue or digging into a big plate of nachos just because everyone else at the table is.

The trade-off is the opportunity to eat whatever your heart desires when you are actually hungry.

“One of the advantages of intuitive eating is you’re always eating things that are most appealing to you, not out of emotional reasons, not because its there and taste good,” he said. “Whenever you feel physical urge to eat something, accept it and eat it. The cravings tend to subside. I don’t have anyone near the cravings I would as a restrained eater’.”

Hawks should know. In 1989, the Utah native had a job at North Carolina State University in Raleigh and wanted to return to his home state. But at 210 pounds, he didn’t think that a fat person could get a job teaching students how to be healthy, so his calorie counting began. He lost weight and got the job at Utah State University. But the pounds soon came back.

For several years his weight fluctuated, until he eventually gave up on being a restrained eater and the weight stayed on. “You definitely lose weight on a diet, but resisting biological pressures is ultimately doomed,” Hawks said. Several years later and still overweight at a new job at BYU, Hawks decided it was time for a lifestyle change. He stopped feeling guilty about eating salt-and-vinegar potato chips.

He also stopped eating when he wasn’t hungry. Slowly and steadily his weight began to drop. Exercise helped. The one thing all diets have in common is that they restrict food, said Michael Goran, an obesity expert at the University Of Southern California. Ultimately, that’s why they usually fail, he said.

“At some point you want what you can’t have,” Goran said. Still, he said intuitive eating alone won’t give anyone six packs abs, Hawks said but it will lead to a healthier lifestyle. He still eats junk food and keeps a jar of honey in his office, but only indulges occasionally.

“My diet is actually quite healthy. … I’m as likely to eat broccoli as eat a steak,” he said. “It’s a misconception that all of a sudden a diet is going to become all junk food high fat,” he said.

About the Author:
Justin Langer
This important information about Lose weight with no-diet diet is extracted from, which will guide you towards better life maintenance.
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